ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴛᴀʟᴋꜱ

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Nithya spent  the whole day with her parents, by watching their favourite movies. She had asked her mom to take rest the whole day and they ordered food from the nearby restaurant.

Even her dad Subash, took a day off from work due to constant pressure from Nithya, asking him to stay back home.

She had been missing this family time recently due to her exams. She relaxed herself on the couch by leaning on her mom's shoulder and slept of due to tiredness.

As they were staying away from their extended family who lived in India, they three were depending on each other for a moral support. That's why they often make plans to go for vacation and meet new people there.

In the evening Nithya went for a walk in the nearby park and enjoyed the sunset. Even though she is a very naughty and easy going girl, she had less number of friends there. Her best friend Agnes was the first one with whom she got very close in US. Slowly she got mingled and they formed a small bunch of friends. It was a cute and compact bunch, who shared love and cared of each other.

For this vacation, their gang had planned to visit Niagara falls. They had invited Nithya too as she always wanted to visit the place and the previous times when they had planned, she couldn't join.

She was confused whether to go or not as she badly wanted to spend time with her parents. Nithya controlled her anxiety of visiting the falls and stayed home.

Her friends were terribly missing her company on their visit. But they did not want to let her know about it as she would feel upset.

Nithya reached home and had dinner with her parents. Before going to bed, she checked her mobile to see whether she has got any messages.

She was surprised as found a new notification from the app. Nithya had messaged almost every author who's book she had read, but very few had replied her. And most of them were pretty late replies.

Her eyes popped out as she received a thank you note from the author to whom she had messaged the previous day.

Hey hi! Thank you so much for your heart warming message. I'm happy that you liked my story and got so involved with it. I assure that my upcoming works will also be liked by you. Keep supporting."

She found the message very sweet and personal. She couldn't stop herself from replying him.

"That's so sweet of you :) waiting for the sequel of 'The gun point'. Until then I'm gonna read this in a marathon to keep myself hooked up with the story once again!"

This was the message she sent to the author. As she had mentioned, Nithya started reading the book again until sleep took over her senses.

Nithya was not aware of the fact that, this stranger is going to become a very important part of her life soon ;)


Raghav went to his room and took his laptop to connect for his work. He found a new notification pinned on top, from the app. As he had completed the story, he was not getting much notifications from it.

He opened it and found a reply message from the user id"Mad_medico". Involuntarily his lips curved into a smile on seeing the name. May be it was because of the uniqueness of the name or the message it was mentioned in it!

As he was running out of time for logging in he sent a quick reply, because he did not want to ignore the person who had taken time to appreciate his work. He felt special that way!!

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