ᴛʜᴇ ɢᴀʟᴀ ɢᴀɴɢ

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After ending the call, Nithya took out the house keys to lock her house and headed towards Raghav's house.

She hesitantly rang the doorbell, as she didn't want to be a burden to the mom and son. Within a minute, Sharadha came there and opened the door.

"Hey Nithya! Come in!" Sharadha welcomed her in.

"Hi aunty... " Nithya stepped in slowly.

"What happened da? Aren't you feeling well?" Sharadha asked her, as she was looking upset.

"I'm fine aunty... I just don't want to trouble you. " Nithya replied.

"What's the trouble in cooking for an extra person? Moreover I'm just bored of cooking for us alone."

"Hmm aunty."

"Smile da!" Sharadha told and Nithya smiled brightly.

Nithya looked around, but she couldn't find Raghav. So she decided to ask her about him.

"Where is Raghav, aunty?"

"He is attending a meeting da. He'll back after half an hour." Sharadha replied.

"Oh okay aunty."

"Now tell me, why did you get such a confusion?" Sharadha asked her, as they both settled on the sofa.

"When it comes to cooking, I'm a zero aunty. I don't know anything... Today, Amma and appa had an emergency work to attend, and that's why Amma didn't cook lunch for me. Usually, Amma will keep everything ready and go out. So today she asked me to order food from some restaurant. But I didn't agree to it, and I challenged that I'll cook by myself." Nithya narrated her sad story.

"Only after opening the containers, my brain stopped working and I couldn't identify the difference between thoor dhal and gram dhal. I felt too stupid... That's why I asked you." 

"Even I was like you only. And cooking is not a big thing, so you can learn it soon." Sharadha told with a smile.

"You are knowing this aunty, but Amma doesn't understand this.." she told sadly.

They both sat there and talked for a while. Raghav's meeting got over, and he stepped out of his room. He was surprised to see Nithya sitting and chatting with his mother.

"Hey Nithya! What a surprise." He exclaimed.

"Hi Raghav! Meeting got over?" She asked him.

"Yeah.. took a break now."

"Nithya, do you like peas pulav? I'm gonna cook it for lunch." Sharadha asked her.

"Are you gonna have lunch here?" Raghav asked Nithya.

"Why? Shouldn't I have lunch in your house?" She asked him offended.

He didn't expect her sudden question and so he did not knew what to reply.

"Stop it, Raghav! Do you like peas pulav or shall I make something else Nithya?" Sharadha asked her again.

"I'm fine with anything aunty, don't strain yourself." Nithya replied.

"Nithya, do you know why Amma is preparing peas pulav today?" Raghav asked, both Nithya and Sharadha looked at him in confusion.

"Because, she made peace with her brother." Raghav chuckled and Sharadha slapped his arm playfully. Nithya was too shocked to hear this. Her eyes widened in surprise.

"I'll kill you!" Sharadha warned him and went inside the kitchen for cooking.

"What did you just say Raghav? Did aunty talk to her brother?" Nithya asked him.

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