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Raghav was working on his laptop. He was getting bored due to the monotonous work. He had a meeting early in the morning and then he did not have any pressuring work. So he sat there relaxed and checked the mails.

An idea struck in his mind, and he took out his mobile from the table and called Vicky.

"Hey Vicky!" Raghav spoke as soon as Vicky picked up the called.

"Haan Raghav, tell me!" Vicky replied in a low voice.

"What happened da? Why are you sounding low?" Raghav enquired him.

"Nothing much da, just bored. That's why I took a break now."

"Same here machan, we have been used to doing difficult works all the day, now we have got some free time and it feels strange." Raghav chuckled.

"Why won't you tell? I'm the one who is working for you and you are sitting idle whole day!" Vicky replied furiously.

"Hahaha I agree."

"Is it raining there?" Vicky asked curiously.

"No machan. Why?"

"Because Mr. Raghav has finally admitted the truth that I'm working for him." He told sarcastically.

"Don't damage me okay?!"

"Haan haan. What are you doing?"

"As you have dropped in the idea of taking a break, I'm gonna drink tea and continue my work."

"Great great! I'm starving here and you're enjoying royal treatment huh!" Vicky told him sadly.

"Why da? Your mom is not home?"

"No da, mom and dad are not home today. They have gone out to attend a wedding."

"Then you do one thing, pack your things and come here! Let's work together and I'll ask maa to cook lunch for you also."

"Hey don't trouble aunty da, I'll order from nearby restaurant."

"You would be craving to have my mom's food during school days and now you're neglecting?"

"Not like that da..." Vicky dragged...

"Wait a minute, I'll ask amma what's for lunch."

Raghav walked towards the hall, where he found his mom cutting the vegetables. He took a carrot from the table and started munching it as he shook her hand.

"What's for lunch maa?" Raghav asked her.

"Vegetable pulav da. Why are you asking suddenly?" she asked him curiously as he doesn't ask about the menu much.

"Just for general knowledge maa" he winked as he walked back to his room.

"Machan, amma is preparing your favourite veg pulav da, pack your bags and come soon" Raghav told Vicky excitedly.

"As you are compelling me so much, I'm coming there." Vicky replied.

"You need not come if you are not interested da... It's okay machan, I understand.."


"Cut the call and come here within half an hour" Raghav warned him and ended the call.

He did not inform his mom about Vicky's arrival as he wanted it to be a surprise for her. He very well knows that his mom will cook some extra pulav everytime because, even if Raghav visits Vicky's house, he would ask him to drop a box at his place. So he remained silent and continued his work.

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