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Raghav and Vicky were thinking hard on what to do next. Anitha found them and came towards them.

"How is aunty Raghav?" Anitha asked him in worry

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"How is aunty Raghav?" Anitha asked him in worry.

"Better Anitha, doctors have given sedatives now.. so she is sleeping." Raghav replied.

"Why are you both looking so worried? What happened Vicky?"

"There is block in her heart which has to be operated itseems... We don't know what to do now..." Vicky informed her.

"Do you know any cardiologist Anitha? We are planning to go for a second opinion." Raghav asked Anitha.

"No Raghav, I don't know any doctors." She said sadly.

"We have to take a decision soon.. " Raghav told them not willing to postpone the procedures.

"I have an idea. I guess it will work." Anitha told them.

"What idea Anitha?" Vicky asked her eagerly.

"Let's post a message on our social media accounts, asking for a cardiologist referral. Someone in our friends or colleagues list may know a cardiologist right?"

"Good idea Anitha! By this way, we can definitely find a doctor at the earliest." Vicky agreed to it.

Raghav looked at them in doubt, as he was not sure whether it would work out.

"We don't have any other option now Raghav. At least one person in our contact list might know a cardiologist. Let's hope for it. " Vicky convinced him.

Raghav agreed to them and they posted a message on their social media accounts and added Raghav's number for contacting.


Nithya was getting ready to sleep. Her mobile beeped with a notification. She opened it and was shocked to see the message.

Dear friends, if any of you know a cardiologist please do inform me in the following number. Kindly share this with your friends too. Thank you.
- Raghav.

She did not know what to do. When she opened the message, she was expecting an announcement about his story. But this was something which she had never thought. Eventhough she was not a certified doctor, she knew about the urgency and the toughness in finding a doctor.

Immediately, she called the number. Her friend was a cardiologist in Chennai, so she thought it would help them.

Raghav was looking at his phone and was wondering when a call from an unknown foreign number. With a hesitation, he attended it.

"Hello?" Raghav asked the other person.

"Erm.. Raghav I'm Nithya. Do you remember me?" Nithya told him as she was not sure whether he would remember her as they rarely chatted.

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