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"Raghav! Come here" Sharadha called Raghav, who was doing some office work in his room.

"What maa?" He asked as he came to the hall. He was looking bit tired as he was working the whole day. Due to the pandemic, he was working from home and the work load was very high to manage. Still, he tried to cope up with it.

"Yazhini has sent her picture da! She is looking gorgeous in the saree" Sharadha exclaimed happily.

"Show me show me!" He literally snatched the mobile from his mother's hand in excitement.

"She is looking very beautiful maa" Raghav replied as he got emotional. His little sister has grown up now and getting ready for marriage.

His mother caressed his hair gently, acknowledging his comment.

Raghav was in two minds when he heard the news that Yazhini has got a marriage proposal. One side, he was feeling guilty for not being there with her as a moral support and on the other hand, he could not hurt his mother too. He sighed and looked at his mom, who was admiring Yazhini.

"Did he call you?" Sharadha asked him in a low whisper.

Raghav understood who that "he" denotes.

"No maa.. mama did not call me till now. But yesterday he told that, the groom's family are coming in the evening. So only after they left, he would call me. Sharadha just nodded her head in response.

"Maa... I... I gave my word to Yazhini..." He started telling her slowly.

"On what?" She asked him with a frown.

"That... Before her marriage I'll make everything right between you and mama..." He said looking down. Sensing that his mom had not replied anything, he looked at her. She was looking at the blank wall in front lost in thoughts.

"Maa" before he could complete, she interrupted.

"Please Raghav. Please don't talk about it again. Go and continue her work. And I'll call Yazhini and know what happened there later. " she told him sternly and walked away.

Raghav sat there not knowing how to convince his mother further. Just then he got reminded that he had left his work halfway and went to complete it.

After an hour, Yazhini called Raghav. He was impatiently waiting for her call with his mobile in his hand. The moment it blinked with her name, he attended it.

"Hello Yazhini?" Raghav's voice expressed his anxiety.

"Hi Anna, are you busy?" Yazhini asked him calmly.

"No da, I was waiting for your call only" he replied.

"Oh okay Anna. Just now the guests had left, that's why I couldn't call you earlier." She explained her situation to him.

"It's okay da... Everything went on well right?" Raghav asked her not able to withstand his curiosity anymore.

Yazhini took a deep breath before answering him and it built his curiosity even more. "Everything is fine Anna..His name is Aravind.  I spoke with him, seems like a nice guy. We did not have a detailed conversation, but it felt good to talk to him. He is also working in an IT company and his office is nearer to yours it seems. His parents were also nice to me. And about his family, he has two younger sisters, one has got married last year and his younger sister is doing her under graduation. Both of them had come here."

"What have you decided?"

"Hmmm... I don't know what to decide exactly. I like him but I am not able to decide immediately. I have my own fears and I should feel comfortable with him, which cannot happen in just a meeting. I told this to Appa also."

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