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After talking to Yazhini, Raghav settled on his bed with his laptop. Making sure that his mother had gone to sleep, he logged in to the website where he writes his story.

The moment he opened it, the notifications started running down throughout the page. As he was busy for the past two days, he couldn't login and update his story "The Gun Point".

Writing is not his passion, but it is his stress buster. It is the way by which he vents out his pain and stress. It has introduced to him  a new world of words and thoughts and lots of new characters in the journey of writing.

As his mother was an English teacher, his vocabulary and hold on the language was eventually high. That boosted his confidence level to start writing.

One day, he had a weird dream of a criminal who trapped a victim and threatened him under his gun point, the struggles the victim had gone through to escape from the criminal and the consequences faced by the innocent victim thereafter. This dream provoked his imagination and made him pen it down as a story titled "The Gun Point".

People started welcoming this thriller story and supported him. That was the reason why he had planned for a sequel of the same.

Just like every other day he was scrolling down the notifications, he found a new name in the list. "Mad Medico" weird yet unique name, he thought.

The predictions made by that user in the comments was very funny and strange as well. Some were related to the story while the other comments made him laugh hilariously.  At the end of the story, the "Mad Medico" had left a lengthy message to him on how she was hooked up with the story and how he made it so engaging and thrilling in every single part. Raghav felt touched on reading it. 

"Hey techie!! This a mad medico who has gone extremely mad after reading your book;) How could you come up with such a lot of twists and turns in your story? They're so complicated and twisted than my anatomy books and the hairpin bends of the hill stations. Kudos to you man! I'm a reader who looses intrest in a story if I couldn't easily find out what's gonna happen next. But you kept me engaged and made me be on the edge of the seat throughout the read. If you keep on writing like this, I guess there won't be a need for a nail cutter in my house. *Just kidding*. I had a great time while reading your book "The Gun Point"! In fact I even forgot the time and kept reading it until you came up with the climax. Thanks and best wishes for the good work!"

This was the message sent by Nithya aka Mad medico to Raghav.

"Hey hi! Thank you so much for your heart warming message. I'm happy that you liked my story and got so involved with it. I assure that my upcoming works will also be liked by you. Keep supporting."

As Raghav was feeling very tired because of hectic office work, he closed his laptop and tried catching some sleep.

He woke up sharp at six the next day, before the buzz of the alarm clock. He had scheduled the works to done that day, so his day will go on smoothly.

He walked to the living room and found his mom glancing through the newspaper as she sipped her coffee. She heard him walking in and lifted her head from the newspaper.

"Good morning da! You're up so soon?" she asked him surprised.

"Morning maa! I have lots of works to be completed today, so I woke up early." He replied.

"Okay da, wait let me make coffee for you." She said and walked towards the kitchen.

Raghav started reading newspaper in the mean time. His phone buzzed with a message. He curiously opened it, as he was surprised to receive a message so early.

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