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Raghav sipped the water that was kept in front of him and waited for Yazhini and Aravind.

After five minutes, he spotted Aravind walking inside the cafe, looking around to find Raghav.

Raghav stood up and waved his hand, and Aravind identified him. He walks towards the table and smiled at Raghav.

"I'm Raghav, Yazhini's brother."

"Aravind" he replied and forwarded his hand. They both shook hands sat on the opposite sides.

"I'm sorry, I made you wait for a long time. Got stuck in traffic". Aravind told him softly.

"It's okay Aravind! It is peek hour and we cannot expect a peaceful travel at this time of the day. Chennai and night time traffic are like 'made for eachother' " Raghav told as he wanted to ease the environment. They are meeting for the first time, so there was a pause to start the conversation. Raghav took the initiative to build the rapport.

"Hahaha! I agree with you." Aravind replied with a chuckle. "You are working in ACS right?"he asked Raghav.

"Yeah.. Yazhini had mentioned that your office is also nearer to mine. Where are you working?"

"Cisco. Yesterday when I told my branch name, she was very excited as your office is also nearer to mine." Aravind told him with a smile.

"Aww. Let me be honest  Aravind. Even though Yazhini is my cousin, we have never seen each other like that. I mean, she is  my own sister to be more precise, she is like my daughter!" Raghav told with a sweet smile, remembering the bond they both share.
"We may not share the same blood, but we are like one soul. She is very special to me. Yazhini is an angel sent by God to me and my mother. There may be lots of ups and downs in life, but having one person who is ready to share your pain and be the reason for your happiness is very rare! Yazhini is one such soul!!"

Aravind was amazed by the way Raghav was describing about Yazhini. The previous day, when he had met Yazhini, she was very nice to him and his family. Even when they both were talking, she was telling more about Raghav, just like the way he is telling about her. That made him beleive how much close they both are to eachother, if not they wouldn't have been saying the same words.

"If I'm asked to talk about her for a day, I would do that! Because she is very special to us." Raghav said with his signature smile which revealed the dimple on his cheeks cutely.

"Even I want to be honest with you Raghav. When I saw Yazhini for the first time in the matrimony, I liked her from that instant. You can call it as crush, attraction, love at first sight or whatever! I felt like she is the one destined to me. But that doesn't mean that, I want to marry her even if she doesn't like me. When I came to her house, the way she spoke with me and my parents, impressed me once again. When there were lot of relatives present there, she was taking about you! Only you! And she was even insisting me to meet you soon.. that made me even more curious to know about you. And after coming here and talking to you, I understand how important you both are to eachother. "

Raghav was astonished by the way Aravind spoke. He understood that he did not want to beat around the bush and he liked the way he spoke to the point!

"That's true Aravind.. Yazhini is the most pampered child in our family. Even if her father rejects her wish, I won't do that, because I always want her to be happy!" Raghav said softly.

"I have two younger sisters, and I know what a brother expects from his future brother in law. I assure you that I'll take care of Yazhini well. " Aravind said as he held Raghav's hand.

"Thank you and I trust you Aravind" Raghav replied.

"Why hasn't she reached yet? She told me that she would be reaching in ten minutes, but still she didn't come!" Raghav took his mobile worriedly to call Yazhini.

"Today's traffic is really bad... She is coming in cab right! Then she will arrive soon" Aravind told him.

"Annaa!!! " Yazhini smiled happily as she walked towards the table.

"Hey Yazhini!" Raghav smiled at her as he moved to the next seat.

"Hii" Yazhini greeted Aravind with a slight blush.

Raghav couldn't control his laugh as he is seeing his sister blush for the first time. As she and Aravind were looking at eachother, they ignored him.

"Ahem! I'm also here!" Raghav told them and brought them back to reality.

Aravind looked away as he ruffled his hair and Yazhini covered her face with the menu card. Raghav called the waiter to place the order.

"So, what were you both talking till I came here?" Yazhini asked them curiously as the waiter left from there.

"Ermm" Aravind was about to start saying, but Raghav interrupted.

"Ahh that.. he was asking me about you. And you know na, how honest I am! So I told them all the truth about you. " Raghav grinned. Aravind understood that Raghav was trying to pull Yazhini's legs, so he remained silent. 

"What truth??" Yazhini asked him in shock.

"Whichever truth I knew, I told him" he shrugged his shoulders.

"Anna... What all did you say?" she asked as she started loosing her patience.

"Hmm.. for starters I told him how horrible your cooking is, because he is the one who is gonna spend his life with you, so he should about your cooking skills na? Then... I told him, how we used to cheat our parents and go for movies.. then.. I told him about your college crushes"

Yazhini's expressions were a visual treat to watch for Raghav and Aravind. It started as a furious expression and slowly her eyes widened as the list increased. Aravind did not want to make her feel embarrassed anymore, so he thought of ending this there.

"Hey Yazhini! He did not say anything like that. He only told me good things about you" Aravind consoled her.

"But... Now he told you everything la" she pouted cutely.

Raghav and Aravind chuckled at her innocence.

"This is something everyone does and nothing new in it! Am I right machan?" Aravind said jovially.

"Did you call him machan??" Yazhini asked him surprised.

"Then how is he supposed to address his wife's brother Yazhini?" Raghav raised his eyebrows.

"Yeahh, machan sounds pretty cool la?"

"Yes Aravind" Raghav replied.

"Why are you silent Yazhini?" Aravind asked her as she was looking at them in shock.

She did not expect them to get this close in just few minutes. It was true that she liked Aravind, but she made up her mind that she would agree to this wedding only if Raghav likes him.

"I am shocked... I mean.. I am surprised to see you both like this..." She told them.

"Awwww! There is nothing to be shocked or surprised in this." Raghav replied.

"Hmmm! Let's take a selfie now!! First meeting of three of us should be picturised!" Yazhini said excitedly. .

Raghav and Aravind smiled and joined with Yazhini for the selfie. She is indeed an angel who brought smiles on people's face naturally.

To be continued.
Next chapter : Fun time

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