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Nithya went to her room and thought for a while. Whatever Raghav told her, was very true and practical. She was confused before talking to him, but he made the situation crystal clear for her.

Nithya went to sleep, after two days she was able to sleep peacefully.
Next morning, she woke up at 7:30 AM and went to the hall. Her parents were having coffee. Tharani was able to find out from Nithya's fresh face that she was back to normal and she had cleared up her mind.

"Good morning maa, good morning pa." She greeted them enthusiastically.

"Good morning da! How are you feeling now?" Tharani asked her.

"Relieved!!" Nithya smiled.

"What happened da?" Subash asked her, as he was unaware of the previous day mom and daughter conversation.

"I was confused about something, but now I've made up my mind appa." Nithya replied confidently.

"What's that?" He asked her curiously.

"Just a minute, I'll be back." Nithya told and rushed to the refrigerator. She opened the fridge and took out two chocolates and went back to her parents.

"Have this!" She offered the chocolate.

"Why suddenly, any good news?" Subash asked her as he picked a chocolate from her hand.

"Yes Appa! I've scored 92% in my exams." She told them and her parents were so happy to hear it. Tharani hugged Nithya and kissed her cheeks.

"I'm so happy da! You never fail to make us proud." Subhash told her as he teared up. Nithya went forward and hugged her dad.

"Were you tensed because of your results?" Tharani asked Nithya.

"No Amma.."

"Then why were you upset da?"

"Leave all that! I sorted it out and no need to discuss about it anymore." Nithya told them firmly as she did not want to inform her parents about the offer she had got. If she did, they would definitely tell her to accept it and move back to US.

"If you have sorted it out and happy, then we have no issues with that." Subash told her and Nithya smiled.

They three spoke for sometime and had breakfast. Nithya wanted to inform about her decision to Raghav. She called him, but he did not attend her call. So she thought of meeting him in person.

As she was about to enter his block, she found him in the parking area, getting down from his car.

"Hey Nithya!" Raghav smiled at her.

"Hi Raghav, I came here to meet you." She replied.

"Oh wow! The great Doctor Nithya, has come to meet me!"


"Tell me, what made you to come here?"

"We spoke last night right, I made my decision."

"Really! What have you decided?" He asked her as he leaned on his car.

"I'm flying to US on tenth." Nithya told him with a smile.

"Wow! What did your parents say? Are they coming with you?"

"They were so happy. They are staying here, I'm only going there."

"Will you be able to manage Nithya? Because you told me yesterday that you cannot stay without your parents..."

"Just for a week na, so I didn't want to trouble them."

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