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Raghav, Yazhini and Aravind spent some time at the cafe. Raghav was happy that his uncle has found a suitable groom for Yazhini!

It was getting late as they three started talking, and the climate was also little breezy and cool, denoting the surprise entry of the rain.

Raghav checked the time as he had to drop back Yazhini at her house on his way. If it starts raining, they cannot reach on time and if they get struck in-between, it will cause another unnecessary headache. So he decided to start from there and reach home without any hindrance.

"Is it getting late?" Aravind asked them, noticing that Raghav was looking at his watch.

"We don't have any restrictions to reach on time, but the weather is surprisingly very cool. So I'm thinking of dropping her home before rain." Raghav explained him.

"That's right Raghav. We can meet some other day and I really want to know more truths about Yazhini." Aravind said in a teasing tone which made her blush.

"To speak about her, I am always ready as I told you before." Raghav chuckled.

Yazhini was shocked to hear him say that. She did not know how her brother, her one and only brother teamed up with her fiancé and started teasing her.
As these thoughts were getting processed in her brain, the next scene took place in front of her eyes!

"Take my number Aravind, if you ever want to hear some stories to spend your time, I have Yazhini's life history to narrate. " Raghav said jovially and they both exchanged their numbers.

Yazhini remained silent, as she did not want to voluntarily enter into the scene and get her nose cut by her brother.

Soon Aravind started to his house in his bike and Yazhini and Raghav drove back home in his car.

"You like him la?" Yazhini asked Raghav.

"Of course da! For the first time in the history, mama has made a wise decision" Raghav told as he concentrated on the road.

"Anna!!!" She furiously started beating him, he bent his hand and covered his face to protect himself from the attack.

"I'm driving da! We can fight after reaching"

"Hmph!;" She turned her face towards the window and pretended to ignore him.

"Hey darling, look here!!" Raghav called her.

"No I won't! You will tease me and my dad again. " she complained.

"I will not tease you anymore.. look here"

"Please Yazhini, look here" he pleaded.

She did not melt to any of his sweet words. So he used his trump card.

"Aravind said something to me, I thought of telling you.. but leave it, you are not interested" he lied.

Immediately as he expected, she turned towards him. Raghav started laughing on seeing her curiousity.

"You lied, am I right?" she argued..

"Yes, but your expressions are worth watching"

"Just stop the car and drop me here!! I'll take a cab or go by walk. You need not drop me home" Yazhini told in anger.

"Cool down da... Just for fun !"

"What fun do you get by teasing me?"

"You should feel it, it cannot be explained his words"

"Anna, today you are doing too much!"

"Because I'm very happy" he said as he shrugged his shoulders..

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