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Nithya's family were very happy to accept Raghav as their son in law. Even before the proposal, Subash and Tharani had liked him. They had only one condition regarding this marriage.

Raghav, Sharadha, Yazhini's family, Nithya and Sindhu's family had gathered for discussing about the wedding.

"I'm so happy that Raghav and Nithya are getting married." Sindhu's mom exclaimed, while Sindhu rolled her eyes.

"Do you have any preferences about the marriage? Like traditional or destination wedding.." Subash asked Sharadha.

"No, it's upto our children's wish." Sharadha replied.

"Actually, we had been away from India all these years.. We did not meet many of our relatives even after returning as Nithya got busy with her job..." Tharani told and everyone nodded their heads.

"So... We thought that if we could conduct their marriage at our native place, it would be like a reunion.. only if you are okay with this" Tharani told in a soft tone.

Sharadha smiled on hearing her request.

"That's indeed a great idea. I'm completely okay with this, but we have to ask their consent too " Sharadha told looking at Raghav and Nithya.

They both looked at eachother, and Raghav smiled at Nithya showing his acceptance.

"So Raghav is okay with this. What about you Nithya?" Subhash asked his daughter.

"I'm also fine with this paa." Nithya smiled.

"Hey, just think twice before agreeing di.. because after reaching there, our relatives won't let you and Raghav meet eachother before the wedding day. That's why I said no for it when they asked me." Sindhu warned Nithya.

"Haan that's okay.. but a traditional wedding would be fun right!" Nithya grinned.

"If you want to experience and know the struggle then it's your wish!" Sindhu shrugged her shoulders on seeing Nithya's stubbornness.

"What was Sindhu tell you?" Raghav asked Nithya when they both were alone.

"She's saying that, if we opt for a traditional wedding in the village, relatives will be surrounding us all the time and never allow us to meet eachother before the wedding. So she asked me to think and decide." Nithya explained.

"Haha even Yazhini was telling something like that." Raghav replied.

"So what's your opinion on this?" Nithya asked him curiously.

"Is meeting secretly without anyone's knowledge is new for us?" He said winking at her making Nithya blush.

"Never let anyone know about this.. else our friends will tell this to everyone and make things tougher for us." Raghav told her.

"Okay Raghav, I won't!" Nithya agreed.

Soon the wedding preparations started in full swing. Nithya's native is a village near Kanchipuram and they had planned for a simple temple wedding there. Nithya's family went there early to check on the preparations, while Raghav and his family were planning to reach there a week before the wedding.

Raghav liked the idea of temple wedding, as he always wished for a simple wedding. The place where Raghav's family were staying was two streets away from Nithya's house in Kanchipuram.

They had lined up rituals for the whole week for Raghav and Nithya separately which made it very difficult for them to meetup.

Only two days  was left for  their wedding, Nithya was feeling jittery on thinking about the things going to happen next. Here Raghav was pacing his room, planning on how to meet Nithya. He quickly got an idea and called her.

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