ᴀʟʟ ɪꜱ ᴡᴇʟʟ

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Yazhini was sitting in the dressing room with a tensed face. In spite of the pretty makeup and dress up, the worry was clearly evident on her face. It was her engagement evening!

All her friends and relatives had started arriving to the venue, but her eyes were longing to see only two people. Her aunt and her only brother.

Eventhough she knew that the chances of them attending the engagement is very less, her heart was still expecting their presence.

Her mother entered inside the room to call Yazhini to the hall. Seeing her upset, her mom was able to understand the reason.

"Yazhini, everyone are waiting for you da." Her mom told her calmly.

"I'm coming maa" Yazhini replied as she gulped her tears.

"Please don't cry da... Appa can't see you like this.." her mom pleaded Yazhini.

"Why maa? Why should I bear the punishment for what Appa did? And even now you are talking on behalf of Appa. Can't you see how hurt I am?" Yazhini asked her mom furiously, as she couldn't hold back her anger anymore.

"I understand you da. You are not responsible for this. But what can we do now? Everything is done and dusted. "

"It's easy for you to tell that everything is done right? "

"Do you know how much I am missing Athai and Anna beside me now?" Yazhini's voice broke down as tears started falling down from her eyes.

"Hey darling!!" Raghav walked inside the room, as he called her name.

Yazhini and her mom looked towards the door and found Raghav standing there with a smile.

"Hey Kalyana ponne! Still not out of shock?" Raghav teased her as he entered inside.

"Thank God you came now Raghav! Else she would have started crying and made a scene here." Yazhini's mom informed him.

"Maa" Yazhini tried to stop her mom, as she did not wanted Raghav to know that she was upset.

"Got stuck in traffic Athai, that's why I came late." Raghav explained his reason.

"Okay pa, I'll go and check the arrangements there. You bring her to the stage soon." She informed them and left the room.

"Did you cry?" Raghav asked Yazhini as her mom went out.

Yazhini did not reply to his question and put her head down. He understood and moved closer to her.

"Didn't you trust me? Did you think that I wouldn't come here?" Raghav asked her broken.

"Anna!!! How can I not trust you?" She asked him, shocked by his question.

"Then why are you upset?"

"I'm missing Athai..."

"If Amma was fine, I would have somehow convinced her and brought her here. Recently she has undergone a surgery, I don't want her to strain now. When Amma comes here, mama will definitely get emotional and I cannot handle both of them at the same time." Raghav told her helplessly.

"I understand Anna.. I'll be fine don't worry." Yazhini told him smiling.

Raghav moved towards her and wiped her tears. She smiled and hugged him. She heard Raghav sighing loudly. She looked up to his face in confusion.

"What happened?" She asked him.

"I pity Aravind! He has got no other way to escape from you now." Raghav told her controlling his laugh.

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