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Raghav and Vicky went to meet Dr.Arjun, as suggested by Nithya.

They were called inside for consultation. Raghav was very nervous while Vicky was quite calm.

"Good morning doctor, I'm Raghav." Raghav introduced himself to the doctor.

"Good morning Mr. Raghav, I guess you are the one Nithya mentioned. " Arjun said.

"Yes doctor." Raghav smiled.

"Can you please give me the reports?" Arjun asked and Vicky handed it over to him.

He went through the report keenly. The every second Arjun delayed was making Raghav even more tensed. He was sitting on the edge of his seat.

"Mrs Sharadha is your mother right?" Arjun asked Raghav.

"Yes doctor."

"She has a block in her heart. I guess the doctors would have already informed you."

Vicky and Raghav nodded their heads positively.

"The previous doctor had suggested for an operation. I'm not convinced with going for an operation doctor. That's why we are here for a second opinion." Raghav explained him.

"Mr Raghav, if you ask me whether going for an operation is the only solution for her problem, I would say no. We can cure her problem by way of medicine too. " Arjun told them.

Raghav, who had been dieing to hear for an alternative solution was very happy when he heard it from Arjun.

"Then we can cure her with medicines right?" Raghav asked him eagerly.

"Haha. Let me tell you fully Raghav. Medicines are one way for curing. But it cannot be a permanent solution. She is already aged, so you guys are worrying about her health. Even if we go for medicines, there is no 100% cure for this except undergoing an operation. After few years, if it gets worsen, we should compulsorily go for an operation. So it's better to have it now and cure the block permanently. "

Raghav sighed and looked at Vicky.

"It's okay da.. Amma can over come this. Her health is more important now. " Vicky told Raghav.

"So it's up to you both. Even I don't have any necessity to force you for an operation, but considering her age, she is now healthy enough to fightback. After 2 or 3 years it becomes more risky." Arjun added.

"Okay doctor. If this is for her good, then I'm okay with it " Raghav agreed finally.

"That's good Mr. Raghav. She will be fine ! Don't worry." Arjun told him with a smiled.

Raghav also smiled worriedly. He was more afraid for his mother.

"Thank you doctor, we will go and get ready with the procedure." Vicky thanked Arjun and shook hands with him.

"Convey my wishes to your mom. I'll talk to Nithya and update this. " Arjun replied.

Raghav thanked Arjun again and left to the hospital where his mother was admitted.
They told their decision to the doctor and arranged for an operation the next day. He informed the same to Yazhini and her father too.

Raghav purposely told his uncle not to visit Sharadha, because that would increase his mom's stress level. Yazhini alone had come to the hospital and met her aunt. She was very much worried to see her in the bed. But Sharadha, being a strong lady consoled Yazhini and Raghav and cheered them up.

At night Raghav sent Vicky and Anitha to their homes and assured them that he will manage. The whole night Raghav did not sleep even for a second. His mother was his life. He loves her the most in this world. When her life was put in danger, he couldn't bear the pain.

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