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Nithya went to her home after talking to Raghav. She still couldn't believe that she met her favourite author and the fact that he is her neighbour too.

Nithya's mom and dad were relaxing for a while, after setting up the house. Nithya also joined them.

"What took you so long da?" Subash asked her in concern.

"Last month, I told you na my friend's mom was sick and I was helping him to find a cardiologist?"

Subash nodded his head, while Tharani listened to her silently.

"I met that friend today." Nithya told.

"Here?" Tharani asked her in shock.

"Yes amma.. don't get shocked for this itself.  There is something more than this."

"What's that?" Subash asked her curiously.

"My friend's mom is none other than perima's best friend Sharadha aunty. She was the one who was sick and her son Raghav is my friend." Nithya told them.

"I remember di.. akka was telling me that her friend was sick and underwent an operation. How is she now?" Tharani asked her in concern.

"She is fine amma. Getting better." Nithya smiled.

"Did you know earlier that she is your perima's friend?" Subash asked her in confusion.

"How could I know pa? Even when Sindhu had mentioned about her I had no idea that she would be Raghav's mother. But only after knowing their names, I came to know that they're same." Nithya explained.

"Nithya..." Tharani called her name softly.

"Yes ma?" She looked up to her.

"I'm sorry da." Tharani apologized softly.

"Why ma? What did you do? Don't tell me that you broke my favourite glass doll."

"Haha nothing like that."

"Then why are you asking sorry suddenly?"

"That day, I scolded you for no reason ma... I was not able to think like a normal human, while the mother inside me overpowered. I should have atleast stayed quiet and let you help your friend. And please don't think that I'm apologizing to you, because she is our neighbour. I had wanted to talk about this to you for a long time but today only I got the opportunity." Tharani expressed her guilt.

"Maa.. don't be sorry.. even I should not have shouted at you that day. I was tensed and I did not know how to react. Sorry" Nithya said and hugged her mother.

Subhash cleared his throat gaining their attention.

"If anyone wants to witness an emotional scene, they can watch it lively here." Subhash teased them.

"Paa, why are you doing like this?" Nithya complained.

"His hobby is to tease us Nithya! He has no other better things to do." Tharani glared at her husband.

"I have lots of other works too." Subash argued.

"Then go and do that!" Tharani told shrugging her shoulders.

Nithya helped her parents in cleaning and setting up the house.

The next morning, Nithya got ready and texted Raghav as they both had planned to go together.

Raghav informed that he was also ready and asked her to come to the parking area.

"Good morning Nithya!" Raghav greeted her.

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