28: One verse

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It was like a blur.

His head hurt so much.

It had all come rushing back to Jungkook as tae had kissed him deeply.

He didn't respond at first, so taehyung pulled back and apologised to Jungkook for his raging hormones but Jungkook on the other hand grabbed the older's face and kissed him passionately. Taehyung was shocked but responded anyway. After they pulled away Jungkook didn't say a word, he just dragged tae with him to the bedroom and cuddled with Taehyung, telling him that he remembers everything and he'll explain the rest the next day. Both the boys were happy to be in each other's embrace.

The next Yoongi and Namjoon had returned in the morning with Jin and Jimin and were surprised as they were not able to find the other two only to find Taehyung and Jungkook peacefully sleeping with jungkook's arm wrapped around taehyung's waist.

They were happy. Finally.

Where was Hobi?

Well he had told them that he had to meet someone important the previous day and hadn't really talked to anyone since except calling taehyung and checking on Jungkook.

Namjoon, Jimin and Jin just sat on the couch and talked while Yoongi made them some breakfast. By the time Yoongi was done Jungkook and Taehyung had come down too.

"So how did you even jolt his memory back into his coconut head?" Namjoon asked looking at Taehyung.

"Hyung!" Jungkook whined looking at his favourite Hyung with a pout on his face. While Namjoon just laughed.

"Well...I didn't really do much, all I did was make out with him." Taehyung said chuckling and looking at Jungkook lovingly. Jungkook could feel his stare but chose to look at his food intensely hoping no one would see the blush creeping up his face. But Taehyung did of course and smirked to himself.

Suave my ass.

After the meal the boys just hung out until at around 5 p.m, Hobi called and said he was gonna come over too and that he had a special someone along with him.

After about half-an-hour Hobi knocked on their door. Taehyung went to answer the door but as he opened it, he was met with a surprise.


"That's me." The taller boy said smiling.

Taehyung turned to Hobi and asked "so this is your special someone?" with a smirk visible on his face.

"Oh? I'm special? Well I must say I'm honoured." Eunwoo said teasing the boy beside him. And as for Hobi, his ears were on fire and he wanted nothing but to hide inside a hole and never come out. But instead he smacked the taller boy's arm playfully and walked into the house shooting a glare at Taehyung who just smiled innocently in return.

The other boys looked at Hobi and smiled, but as Eunwoo came from behind him, it soon turned into a glare.

"What the fuck is he doing here?" Yoongi asked coldly.

"Well...ouch." Eunwoo said with a pout.

"Relax guys, he was never one of them. Kai is his step brother, both of them are adopted but he's never taken part in any of that mess, he was just used by his dad." Taehyung cut in to save the other boy from the dirty glares he was getting.

"How do you know? He could be lying." Yoongi said again, his tone still cold.

"They didn't kill Jungkook because he asked them not to, more like begged." Hobi said.

Now that made sense, because why would they not kill Jungkook.

"Oh..right." Yoongi said a bit softer.

"Well come here then! what are you waiting for?" Namjoon said excitedly.

The rest of them too smiled at him and asked him to join them. And who was he to turn them down.

"Well...now I have an important announcement." Hobi said.

"right." Eunwoo said as he looked at him and smiled encouragingly.

"So um...me and Eunwoo have been dating for a while now, as you all now I used to work in that dreaded place, I met him there and we started dating, we even met secretly, since his dumb dad wouldn't let me meet him as I had left. And now...I might or might not be engaged to him." Hobi ended with the happiest smile on his face.

"What?!" Jimin managed to croak out. He couldn't not cry. His Hyung was engaged, he was so happy.

The others took a moment to process this information, but after that it was pure chaos, They six boys wouldn't stop asking them questions and discussing how the wedding would be.

Everything was perfect. Finally, they all were happy.

They next few days were spent on preparing for Hobi and Eunwoo's marriage. And then the day came. They got married and had never been this happy before.

The other boys had only grown closer to their boyfriends during this time. The eight boys had never been happier.

And finally everything was going just right.


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