29th Chapter

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I walked from the Harem to the Valide Sultana chambers. Biggest chambers in the whole Palace where only the woman which rules Harem could live.

Usually here lived mothers of the Sultans, but as Murad banished his mother to Girl's Tower, this place goes to his sisters or his first wife.

As Murad didn't want his sisters to rule, because he wants them to marry, he decided for me to run the Harem. As I am his first, legal, and only wife.

Those were the biggest and most luxurious chambers in the whole Palace. This chambers was equal size as Murad's ones, and had huge terrace from where I could look at whole Istanbul and even furthermore.

Haci-aga opened the doors of my new chambers which were mine now.

" What is happening here? What is this now?" I asked as I saw Atike sitting on the throne of my new chambers while they were removing my things from here

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" What is happening here? What is this now?" I asked as I saw Atike sitting on the throne of my new chambers while they were removing my things from here.

" Why haven't you bowed to me before you started talking?" Atike said proudly and raised her head over me.

" What are you doing in my chambers?" I asked her in agressive tone.

" I talked with my brother Sultan and he decided it is better for me to take care of Harem while he is absent. He decided to postpone my wedding so I will be in charge of Harem until he finds me suitable husband." Atike said and raised her head.

" How do you mean while he is absent?" I asked her as I was confused by her words. Where could Murad go?

" He is going into campagin in Baghdad. While he is not here and until my marriage I will rule the Harem. I will keep an eye of you, and if you do any mistake, I will punish you. " Atike said seriously and agressively to me.

Why haven't Murad said to me that he is going into campagin into Baghdad? Why do I have to hear it from Atike? Why did he gave those chambers and rule to me, and now to Atike?

I tried to act seriously in front of her, but I knew things are going to be bad if Atike is ruling harem. She disliked me from the first day, even though I never did anything bad to her.

" There won't be a reason to punish me because I never do anything bad. And you won't be able to punish me." I said to her and raised my head, because I will return her how she acts towards me.

If someone is good towards me, I will be good towards them. But if someone is bad towards me or any member of my family, I will become devil to them.

" And obviously Sultan is finding new suitable husband for you as he doesn't want you to marry Silahtar." I said to her and laughed. I could see her face from happy changing very quickly to angry.

" Watch out for your words. Sultan will marry me with Silahtar, everyone knows it." she raised her head proudly.

" He was only sorry that you threatened him with taking your life. We all know Silahtar doesn't even like you or wouldn't want to be with you. Everyone knows who Silahtar's heart belong to. And that is obviously not you. " I said and laughed.

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