34th Chapter

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" Ladies listen to me! From today on, only ruler of Harem is going to be Mihrişah Haseki Sultana. From now on she lives in Valide Sultan chambers and she is Chief of Harem. You will all listen to her rules and respect her." Haci aga said to concubines in Harem news that Sultan gave him.

I was standing on the balcony in front of Valide Sultan chambers from where I could look at whole harem and see concubines' reaction when Haci-aga said this to them.

" But Haci-aga, this means she won't send any new concubines to our Sultan. She is his wife and she won't allow us to do that." concubine named Afitap said.

I remember her since I came to Harem, she always wanted to spend night with Sultan Murad, but she never had enough luck to do it.

" Afitap, enough. Silence." Lalezar Kalfa yelled on her so she could calm down, but she didn't calm down.

I could see all of the concubines aren't happy with the decision Sultan said and I could hear all of them gossip me. But I didn't care. Because I had everything that any woman in this world would want to have.

" Lalezar, you promised me long time ago to send me to Sultan, now I will work here as maid for the whole time." Afitap said angrily to Lalezar.

" We will do nothing here than clean, we don’t want to wait for our old age here in Harem because Mihrişah won't send us to Sultan." another concubine named Azize said.

"  Who said you will stay here until your old age?" I said to them loudly while I was on balcony which looked at harem

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"  Who said you will stay here until your old age?" I said to them loudly while I was on balcony which looked at harem.

When they heard my voice, they all turned to me and bowed to me. They all seemed pretty afraid of me.

" Sultana, excuse us, we will punish them for speaking like this to you." Lalezar said while she was bowed to me. She seemed like she is embarassed because I had to hear what are concubines talking about me in Harem.

Both Afitap and Azize had their heads bowed down and didn't even dare to look up at me.

" After three years of service, I will free you. You can leave this Palace and find suitable husbands for you. No one will keep you in Harem so long." I said to them and I could see they are also not happy because of my words.

" Sultana, what is point of Harem if we can't visit Sultan? What is point of having so many women here if we can't serve His Majesty, but instead we have to listen to you?" Afitap raised her head and said to me upsetly.

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