15th Chapter

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" Where is Elena?" Murad asked as he came in the room we were supposed to share together, but what he didn't know is that Kosem Sultana listened to me and found a new room for her.

I was glad because Kosem listened to me. It was obvious I am important to her. But I never wanted to see Murad again after he acted like this to me.

" Will you answer me?" Murad asked me as he came to my bed and looked like he is furious on me. He was angry after I made him decide between Elena and me, and he didn't even want to decide.

" You can ask some of the harem servants where is she." I said and I didn't even look at him. I was looking at another side because I couldn't handle how he doesn't even asks me how I am while I am pregnant and carrying his baby.

" Why do you act like this, Mihrişah? What happened to you?" Murad asked me furiously. He was ready to start yelling on me.

" You came here just to see Elena and you act like she is more important to you than me. I can't stand that. If you want her you will forget about me." I said him angrily and still didn't even want to look at him.

" You can't make me decide like this I said that to you and I am repeating you again. You will get used on Harem rules." Murad said as he seemed not to even care a bit how hurt I am.

" I won't get used on them. I will never tolerate that thing. I am telling you once again, you have to chose now. Elena or me." I said to him looking at him both angrily and hurted.

" Mihrişah!" He yelled on me as he was annoyed because of my behaviour, but I must have done it like this.

" You will chose." I said to him seriously, I tried to stay calm but I was ready to start crying.

" What will you do if I don't chose you?" he asked me seriously and his words made me feel even worser. It sounded like he will chose Elena.

" I will kill myself and save me from this hurt which you gave me." I said to him as I stood up and said to him angrily.

" You are pregnant, take care of yourself instead of making me decide here." he said calmly to me. He didn't have that anger anymore in his eyes.

" I am serious. I will kill myself no matter if I am pregnant or what." I yelled on him.

" Hunkarim, Ayse Sultan is giving a birth." Haci Aga said as he came into the room and interrupted our fight.

I followed him to Ayse's chambers where everyone was standing in front of the doors. Kosem Sultana was also there and everyone awaited to find out what the baby's gender is.

I was so nervous. At this moment Ayse was giving birth and if she gives another soon, all my chances are done. And at another side, there is Murad who doesnt even care about me anymore.

" Hunkarim, we got a beautiful Sultana." Nurse said as she opened the doors. Murad and Kosem went inside, and no one else was allowed to.

I could see already from the doors that Ayse is not really happy because she gave a birth to a daughter.

" Your name is Ismihan Kaya." Murad whispered into baby's name.

" Where is Elena Hatun?" Atike Sultan asked worriedly when we returned to Harem because Elena wasnt there while Ayse was giving a birth. I didn't even realised that.

" You. You did something to her. What did you do to her?" after few seconds Atike turned to me and started yelling at me accusing me that I have done something to her.

" I have done nothing. I haven't seen her today." I said to her as I couldn't believe what is she talking.

" You are jealous of her. That's why you did something bad to her so you could keep Sultan Murad only to yourself." Atike yelled on me and raised her hand like she is going to slap me, but at that moment Murad took her hand. I didn't even know how it happened for him to be there.

" Never ever again, never will you dare Atike to raise your hand on pregnant woman. My woman." Murad yelled on her angrily while he was holding her hand with which she wanted to slap me.

" Hunkarim, she did something to Elena. No one can find Elena in Harem. Who else could do that?" Atike said to him as she wanted me to be guilty for that, and I had no idea what was happening.

I tried not to look at Murad, but as he saved me from Atike I felt happy. At the end I still may mean something to him and still I am pregnant with his child.

" Before you dare to touch Mihrişah once again you should ask me where Elena is. Whoever dares to do anything bad to Mihrişah will have problems with me. I will punish that person on the worst possible way." Murad said and turned to Harem to make sure everyone understands his words.

I couldn't lie, the feeling was nice when man I loved the most threatens everyone because of me. Because of those things I loved him, but I can't forget what happened to Elena.

" So you don't care that your favourite Elena is gone? Don't you really? Mihrişah obviously did something to her." Atike yelled and looked at me with look which would say that she would destroy me.

" Come with me to see where is Elena." Murad said and started walking. At one moment, he turned around to me and said:" You too Mihrişah, come with us. "

I followed Murad and Atike until we came to the Harem Terrace. In the Gardens we saw a carriage and a woman who is waiting in front of carriage.

" What should this mean?" Atike asked Murad confusedly.

" This is Elena. I am sending her away. I don't want her in my Palace anymore." Murad said and my heart was warm. At the end, he still listened to me and he sent Elena away from the Palace. He smiled at me once again before he left the Terrace.

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