To my last breath

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I knew looking for this number was something no one liked. Not even myself but I feel I have to get away.I was't even angry at Harry anymore but I was angry at myself right now.

After a while I found the number and I sat down on the bed and I wrote what I never wanted to write, again

LOUIS: I'm coming to LA toight!

It did't take long before he answered

UNKNOWN NUMBER: Wow, Tomlinson never thought you would come back

I did't think so either, but here I am!

LOUIS:So what do you have this time?

I knew that drugs would't solve my problems but they would make me feel better for a while.But as I had told Nial the time I came home four years ago.

If I ever go again I will not come home.

UNKNOWN NUMBER: A lot, I found a new dealer so things are both more and less expensive

Not that I cared about money or the new things but I felt I needed something extra this last time

LOUIS:I think you know what I want. Double it!

It was still the end, right?

UNKNOWN NUMBER:How long will you stay?

LOUIS: To my last breath

I would't come home

UNKNOWN NUMBER: Wow he really hurt you

No but I hurt both of us

LOUIS:You should only know!

LOUIS: My plan takes off in 2 hours

UNKNOWN NUMBER: I'll meet you at the usual place

The usual place

LOUIS:Can't wait!

I could wait but then the pain would only get bigger

When I went there anyway, I could end my life in the best way

LOUIS:MAN! Guess who's coming to LA?

I hate this person but it's him who made me feel so bad right now

UNKNOWN NUMBER #2: Have you talked to the 🔳?

The black box. It was the name of those who would take away my pain so of course I had talked to him.

LOUIS: Already fixed it. I arrive at the hotel at midnight

UNKNOWN NUMBER #2: Perfect. But I drive

He had forced me to drive last and because I was high I happened to drive into another car and almost died. Almost

LOUIS: Sure!

He could probably kill us too.


Hi! I just want to apologize for not having a new part in a long time. But school ended and I had my birthday and everything but now I will try to post a new part out once a week.


(and sorry if this part was bad but I wrote it on my phone)

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