I knew looking for this number was something no one liked. Not even myself but I feel I have to get away.I was't even angry at Harry anymore but I was angry at myself right now.
After a while I found the number and I sat down on the bed and I wrote what I never wanted to write, again
LOUIS: I'm coming to LA toight!
It did't take long before he answered
UNKNOWN NUMBER: Wow, Tomlinson never thought you would come back
I did't think so either, but here I am!
LOUIS:So what do you have this time?
I knew that drugs would't solve my problems but they would make me feel better for a while.But as I had told Nial the time I came home four years ago.
If I ever go again I will not come home.
UNKNOWN NUMBER: A lot, I found a new dealer so things are both more and less expensive
Not that I cared about money or the new things but I felt I needed something extra this last time
LOUIS:I think you know what I want. Double it!
It was still the end, right?
UNKNOWN NUMBER:How long will you stay?
LOUIS: To my last breath
I would't come home
UNKNOWN NUMBER: Wow he really hurt you
No but I hurt both of us
LOUIS:You should only know!
LOUIS: My plan takes off in 2 hours
UNKNOWN NUMBER: I'll meet you at the usual place
The usual place
LOUIS:Can't wait!
I could wait but then the pain would only get bigger
When I went there anyway, I could end my life in the best way
LOUIS:MAN! Guess who's coming to LA?
I hate this person but it's him who made me feel so bad right now
UNKNOWN NUMBER #2: Have you talked to the 🔳?
The black box. It was the name of those who would take away my pain so of course I had talked to him.
LOUIS: Already fixed it. I arrive at the hotel at midnight
UNKNOWN NUMBER #2: Perfect. But I drive
He had forced me to drive last and because I was high I happened to drive into another car and almost died. Almost
LOUIS: Sure!
He could probably kill us too.
Hi! I just want to apologize for not having a new part in a long time. But school ended and I had my birthday and everything but now I will try to post a new part out once a week.
(and sorry if this part was bad but I wrote it on my phone)
Fanfiction⚠TW: Shooting and drugs⚠️ Louis and Harry is fighting but they happen to fight in the group where Niall and Liam also is in. Louis left the group but come back. But then more trouble was made. Louis is goging to LA! But Niall sacrifices himself and...