Chapter 16

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I rubbed my eyes and slowly opened it after hearing a mumbles. I blinked and furrowed my brows when an unfamiliar room and scent visited my senses.

"Y/N. You're awake." Sasha's voice greeted my ears. I looked beside me and there I saw Connie and Sasha sitting.

Connie took a sigh in relief and approached me. "Do you need water? Food? Are you thirsty or hungry?" He asked in worry.

My stomach grumbled after hearing food, I remember I skipped dinner last night.

"I'll ready the food." Sasha instantly went outside. She even stumbled but she didn't mind it and continued.

I looked at Connie and smiled to him. I need to thank her for accompanying me last night.

"Connie, Thanks for last ni--"

"Oh right!" He cut my words. He scrunched his nose and scratched his head. "Sorry, I wasn't here last night to comfort you. Sasha and I took an overtime because we planned on taking a leave for a week to go back to the province. We realky got worried when we heard you broke down last night." He explained.

"Huh?" I look dumbfounded of what J just heard. I feel like my brain and heart stopped functioning. Everything has stopped processing in my mind.

That wasn't Connie? Then who was I hugging last night? A theif?

"Yeah. Good thing my friend was here. He told us about your arrival last night and cried to sleep. So he carried you all the way here."

My mind is completely blank for now. I was.. hugging a stranger? And I slept on his arms while crying then he carried me?

Aren't I heavy?

The door suddenly opened revealing a tall brown-haired man holding a paper bag. He threw it on Connie's face and went near me. He looked down on my shoulders and I realized I am wearing Sasha's clothes now.

He poked my shoulders lightly and I flinched when I felt a pain stung on it. He clicked his tongue and grabbed the paper bag from Connie and let out a cotton balls.

He silently cleaned it and wrapped it with bandage. He did the same to my face and placed a band-aid. He was unbothered, treating me. He even lifted my shirt unannounced and saw some bruises on my stomach.

"Oi, that's a married woman." Connie faked cough making the man playfully slapped his head. "Just kidding.. just kidding. I'm out." He said and left the room.

We were filled with silence as he sat down on the chair beside me and fixed the stuffs. He leaned on the chair and raised a brow.

"Married woman, huh?" He broke the silence. I nodded and bit my lips. He squinted his eyes. "A married woman wouldn't cry and break down like that unless her husband died or.." He looked at my shoulder covered in bandage. I held it and averted my gaze.

"Sasha and Connie may not be showing it but they're really worried when they saw your bruises while you were asleep." He leaned on the chair.

I nodded. "I know." I said and the awkward silence came back again. "I'm
Y/N, by the way." I offered my hands to shake. He smirked and accepted it.

"Jean. Jean Kirstein." He shook my hand once. I heard someone coughed from the door making me sit straight.

"Not you, hitting on a married woman." Sasha made a disgusting face. I laughed and stood up. Jean also stood and tapped her shoulders.

"I'm not. But if he don't take care of his wife, someone will." He said in flirty tone which made me and Sasha open my mouth to 'o' form.

We followed him until we reached the kitchen.

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