Chapter 28

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"Y-Ymir.." I faked laugh. "It's late. W-why are you still up?" I cleared my throat and looked away. It was dark outside and I hope she won't see the bag behind me.

"I could ask the same thing." She said. I saw her head move to see what's behind me.

Fuck, she saw it.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I apologized and looked down. "Please, don't tell Historia about this. I'll go back inside. I'm not gonan leave anymore, just please--"


I stopped talking and looked up to her. "Huh?"

She clicked her tongue. "I know you've been seeing Eren ever since we moved in her. I didn't believe that he would abandon his wife like that."

She knew?

"I wouldn't stop you from leaving. Historia only wanted your safety but I know hiding you in this place is wrong. We can't compare your life to us. Historia and I don't care about what we lose as long as you have each other. We were sure about our decisions that will make us both happy." She stopped and continued. "And you. You're far different from us. You still have lots of growing to do. You still have to make decisions that not only you will be happy, but both of you and Eren." She turned around. "I knew Eren has empty space in his heart for someone speacial. I was rooting for you two since college. But if he did something to you again. I'll make sure I'll hide you under the rock where no one will be able to find you but Historia and I."

I chuckled and thanked her. She suddenly grossed out of what she said. "Just pretend this conversation never happened." She said. I thanked her once again despite of being confused of what she said. I never gave it too much thoughts so I just ran. It was very dark but thanks to the street lights, I can still see the road. I felt a water dropped on my arms. I looked up and suddenly, rain started pouring like crazy.

"I forgot my umbrella." I said and started running. I looked for some large tree or something that would protect me from rain but the rain even poured harder that got me wet all over. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulders and an umbrella above me.

"Mr. Jeager!" I was surprised to see him. The port is still far away from here.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know it'll rain. I brought you an umbrella because Eren will kill me if you got sick when you go home."


I nodded and walked with him beside me. I took a quick glance on Zeke and immediately looked away when he saw me staring.

Do Eren also look like Mr. Zeke? Does he have blonde hair and blonde beard too? If so then my type completely changed.

"Whatever your thinking is, leave it here. You're gonna see your husband soon." He said. I nodded and excitement filled my system again. When we arrived at the port, I was shocked because of the luxurious yacht waiting. I looked around and there are no other sea vehicles than the yacht.

"Where are the boats?" I asked. Gabi and I used to stroll here and looked around the different designed boats but the port looks empty now.

"Eren bought the port the other day. He can't afford anyone seeing you escape." He said. He made it sound like I'm some prisoner who escaped jail.

"Just how rich is this Eren? I can't believe I married a billionaire but I still look like the same when I was on highschool."

Zeke didn't answered. He stepped inside the yacht first and offered his hands to help me step too. When I finally made it, I can't help but to admire the yacht.

"There's a room for you inside. I'll start the yacht." He said. I nodded and went inside. It's just like a little living area with small windows. It even had its own smart TV. Back in the house where Historia, Ymir and I lived, we don't even have a single gadget or appliences other than the refrigerator. Historia really lost her power and everything because of her father. But she seems happy with Ymir here.

I don't know why do I have to 'heal' in this place but I can just live with my husband. Although, I love it here too. People seems friendly and peaceful. Everytime I'd celebrate my birthday, they would invite themselves in our house with a dish on their hand.

I felt the floor move. I almost fell when the yacht starts moving. After I finished changing, I went to the foredeck and saw Zeke drinking wine. When he sensed me, he offered me a glass and I happily accepted.

"Why'd you k so happy? Because you're finally seeing him?"

I smiled and nodded. "Partly. I really want to see my sister first. I missed her so much." I said and thought of buying her some donuts. She loves strawberry so much. "Can we stop by at my house first? I wanna know how my family's doing."

Zeke didn't instead he poured more wine on my glass. When he noticed I've been waiting for his answer, he sighed. "Eren will take you himself."

"Mm." I nodded excitedly. I went back inside to get some rest but I accidentaly fell asleep. I just woke up when I realized the yacht has stopped. I stood up and opened the door. I called Zeke a few times but no one answered. When I went out with my bag. There's no one in the yacht. I went outside and saw we already arived. There was a man waiting outside, he offered his hands and I accepted it so I can go down.

He was leading the way until we reached a..


He opened the door and signaled me to enter. I don't know what should I do. What if they're not Eren's men. I stared at him for a while. He smiled sweetly and got something from his wallet. He showed me his card.

So he's working with Eren

I nodded and entered the luxurious limousine. Not that far when we reached our destination. I was expecting that they're gonna send me in a place where Eren and I lived together but they sent me in a hotel.

"Mr. Eren is waiting on Floor 50." The man said. I smiled and thanked him. I was about to walk when I realized something. The limousine is now driving away.

"HEY! MY BAG!" I yelled eventhough they won't hear me again. I groaned. "Whatever." I said before I walked to enter the hotel. I went straight to the elevator and pushed the 50th button. My heart won't stop racing. I even tried to exercise my breathing but it just won't calm down.

I clenched my chest. "Okay, now calm down, Y/N. You're meeting your husband now, it's not something to get nervous about." I talked to myself. I flinched when the bell rang signalling we reached the right floor.

I closed my eyes and exhaled deeply before opening the only door in this floor. My hands are shaking as I held the handle, opening the door fully. I went inside and there are no other people inside except for the man who was standing near the window.

I walked slowly, approaching him until I fully saw his back. His long brown hair was tied into pony tail. His back back is also very manly.


Slowly, the man faced me. His emerald colored eyes were shining from the sunlight as he walked slowly to me. A smile formed into my face. I walked into him and half runned. I was about to approach and hug him when I suddenly saw what he was holding.

A knife.

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