Chapter 17

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It was bright, too bright for my senses. I sink back into the bed, the silk sheets feels wonderful on my skin. I curl up in the blanks turning away from the light. I love these silk sheets, wait?

I sit up straight and look around. This isn't my bed and this isn't my room. I look under the covers and notice that I had been undressed and put into a oversized shirt.

I feel the covers again, I needed to invest in something like this. The bed comforter was white and was had dark brown swirls going over it. The room was also decorated with this milk chocolate theme with a dark wooden floor and furniture. The mini chandler hanging over the bed made it all seem classy.

I look next to me and see a glass of orange juice and few pills with a little note, commanding me to take it. I take the pills and gulp down the juice.

The door opens and Rowland walks in with a tray. "Look who's up." Rowland says.

"Where am I Rowland?" I asked blatantly.

"In my room"

"How did this get on me."I show him the shirt.

"I put it on you." He grins at me as I blush. He holds up the tray,"I brought breakfast. Hope your hungry."

I was, after a long night of being drunk I was famished. He places the tray down on the nightstand and walks into the bathroom. I take a bite of the warm toast.

It was delicious, it reminded me of Kristen's French toast. Kristen! Crap, how could I forget about her. Where was she again? I scramble out his bed to go find her.

Rowland appears from the bathroom wet and glistening from his shower with just a towel around his waist. "Where's Kristen" I quickly asked

"She left already" he stalks closer to the bed. "She left" I echoed. He nods his head,"Someone called and came to pick her up." Thank heavens for Adam. I needed to call her and make sure she was okay.

He stares down at me, making me feel uncomfortable."Why did you get drunk to the point of passing out?"

"I told you we had a gotten a little carried away." He arches an eyebrow,"a little" I could hear the humor in his voice. I nod my and try to walk pass him but, He steps in front of me.

"Don't do it again"he taunts. I gaze up at him and for a split moment, I see something. Fear was in his eyes, fear from what I had no clue about.

"I need a shower" I whispered. He moves back and I walk out of his room. He confused me, it made my head hurt to try to understand him. All I could do was think.


I meet rose down stairs. She's in the kitchen staring at the wine cabinet."Rose?" She turns around, "Oh, hi dear"

I look at the wine cabinet and see a missing bottle, the missing wine bottle I had last night. "Do you know who took a wine bottle?" Rose points at the empty spot.

"Nope" I lied. She shrugs it off and continues to prepare for lunch. "Good morning ladies" a smoky voice calls from behind us. I turn around to see Rowland.

"Morning mr. Price" Rose chirped. I glance at Rowland and meet his eye contact. My conscious is smirking at me. I feel the air from my lungs leave.

"Mr. Price do you know who took a wine bottle?" He breaks contact and turns his attention to Rose. He runs his hand through his messy hair. "I do"

He wouldn't, he was going to throw me under the bus like that. My lung began to tighten as I continue to hold my breath. "I took the bottle of wine last night" he confessed.

He took the blame for me, it was so unexpected. A burst of laughter came from the foyer. We all look at each other wondering who could it be. Rose and Rowland walk to the foyer.

I feel myself getting dizzy. I take a gasp of air.How do you forget to breathe Ariana. I left the kitchen and walked into the foyer and saw Ella with a man next to her.

"Rowland this is my personal trainer" I focus in on the face and can't believe who I was looking at.

The man shakes Rowland's hand.
"Hi, I'm Bryce"


Okay so I had a small case of writers block and I was stuck in how to write this but here it is and WaLa( if that's how you spell it)
I want to write a another POV of Rowland comment on what you think.


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