Chapter 13

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I tossed and turned in bed. I couldn't go to sleep. I kept remembering the sweet taste upon my lips. I threw the covers over me and padded down the hallway to the stairs. I was careful not to make any noise when going down the steps.

I made it into the kitchen. The anticipation of having the sweet taste in my mouth made me move faster. I had successfully made it to the cabinet and swiftly pulled out the jar.

I opened the top and took a long whiff of the cookies,Rose had made them earlier for after dinner. They were so soft and made my tastebuds do backflips. I grabbed as many cookies as my hand could hold and placing some in my mouth.

The kitchen lights turned on stunning me. Gravely chuckles erupted from behind me. I slowly turned around and saw Rowland laughing a me.

He was still in his PJ's, his pajama pants falling off his waist a little bit. I quickly notice that he was shirtless and stared at his chest. I felt myself blush.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who loved Perkin's cookies." He flashed me his fetching smile. He walks over to the refrigerator and pulls out the milk.

He comes up close to me, making me catch my breath. He snakes his hand behind me and takes a cookie out of my mouth and from the jar which gapped to places behind me. He looks into my eyes, "Come. sit down." He lightly nudges me to the mini bar in the kitchen.

He gathers some napkins and placed them down for us. I sat down placed my cookies on the napkins. He pulls out two glasses and pours milk into them.

"So I'm guessing you didn't have enough during dinner and your back for more." He dips his cookie into the milk and then takes a bite.

"I'm a sucker for sweets," I wave the cookie in the air,"I'm guessing you are too." He nods his and takes another bite of his cookie. "I like to eat sweet things,"He voice was smokey.

My heart stops at his comment. What did it mean, I didn't know. I quickly take another bite of my cookie, recovering from the feeling moaning in sensation of the taste.

He sighs and looks at me with his brown eyes. I gaze into his eyes, I felt myself heat up and look down at the cookies. "These cookies reminds me of my friend."

"Your friend likes sweets too?" He asked. I shake my head, "no she owns a bakery, I would go there everyday just to have her cupcakes. She's the one who helped me move in." The thought of Kristen made me think of her comment at the bakery.

"You must take me there one day so I can try her cupcakes." I agree and we talk some more until I was down to my last cookie. He stands up and stretches, "Ugh I have work to attend."

He began to walk away when he snatches my last cookie of my napkin. "Hey that's mine." he waves the cookie in the air and smirks.

"I have a better treat for you."


It was later in the day and I was out grocery shopping for dinner. I had begged Rose to make more cookies. She needed a few ingredients for them and I volunteer to retrieve them.

I get into the car and drive to the house. I pull up to the mansion and see a car in the drive way. I walk inside with bags of groceries.

"Darling let me help you there." Rose comes scurrying to me grabbing bags from my hand. I set the bags down on the kitchen counter and start unloading the bags while Rose put the items up.

"You got double the ingredients for the cookies." She holds up two packets of dough. I sheepishly grin at her, she cackles at my gesture and continues to put things away.

"Who's car is that outside?" I asked. Rose gathers up the empty bags, "Oh, that's just Ella's personal trainer."

I wondered why Ella just didn't work out with Rowland, I mean that was her future husband.

"Oh I just remembered, Ella needed a towel for her workout could you bring it to her." Rose hands me a towel.

"Sure, are they in the gym?" Rose shakes her head. "No, there in her room doing yoga."

I walk off to Ella's room. I approach her door,"Ms. young" I knock on the door. There was no answer. I knocked one more time and waited for an answer. I took it upon myself to just place the towel on her bed.

When I opened the door I wasn't expecting to see what I had witness. Ella was laying in her bed, the sheets at her waist exposing her bare chest.

I quickly ducked down and started to close the door when I heard a familiar voice from the bathroom. "That was amazing, next time we should try torture."

A tall figure comes out the bathroom, I accidentally tossed the towel into the room when trying to flee. I sprint down the hallway to my room.

I close the door behind me and breathe. I slid down the door and the thoughts came rolling in. Why,what, when. It was all to confusing.

I remembered what the man had said "Next time we should try torture" I sat for a long time thinking about what I had just saw and heard.

Oooo, what is going on here.

Hi readers, I hope you enjoyed that chapter. What's going on with Ella and her 'personal trainer' hmm. comment on what you think.


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