Chapter 3

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Picture of Kristen at top

The door opened up and a small hand extended out to me. I took the hand and was facing Kristen, the giggling girl.

"Are you okay?" She begins to laugh again. "Oh gosh, when you fell y-you hit your f-face against the glass." It took Kristen about ten minutes to stop laughing. " wow, what a fall. Now seriously are you okay?"

I opened my mouth to talk when Adam walked into the room with a bag of ice catching my attention.

I pointed to the bag of ice."What's that for?" Kristen took the bag and held it up to my head. A stinging sensation rippled across my head. "Ouch!" I held the bag up to my forehead, "was it that bad?"

Kristen quietly nods her head and pulls up her phones camera. Looking at the camera I see why she didn't say anything. A small bruise was on my forehead. "I look like-"

"You are having a bad day, what's up" Kristen added. It was amazing how my friend knows when something is up. I look down too ashamed to admit what just happened. I placed the bag of ice on the table and started talking.

"Nothing special happened today, I just went to work, got fired, then came here." Kristen face was blank. Slowly she began to cover her mouth.

"You got fired today. Why? You were such a good employee there." I shrugged my shoulders.

Kristen wrapped her hands around me and rubbed my back. "Its okay just let it go." With those words a few tears stream down my face

"Hey, it's okay you'll be better off without that job anyway." I shook my head vigorously. "You don't understand, someone paid mr. fowler to fire me,"I sunk my face in my hands "and the only way I can get my job back is if I sleep with mr. fowler."

I felt Kristen hands stiffen up. "Wait, you mean to tell me that you could have had a sugar daddy?" I look up with a disgusted face." Sorry, so do you by any chance know who paid him?" I shake my head.

Kristen stands up and walks behind the counter and picks up my favorite cupcake. She walks back around and hands it to me. "Are you sure you don't know who it could have been."

I took a bite and thought for a moment, then it came to me. "Bryce, it had to be Bryce."

"Bryce Harris, why would your ex want to do this to you, I thought you guys were friends now." I didn't know either I was just as curious as she was.

"Well I think we should pay him a little visit and congratulate him," a sly grin appeared on her face. I crossed my arms in protest,"no, we are not going to congratulate him. I know what you mean."

Kristen stood up and began to walk away but, stopped right before she went into the back of the bakery. "Okay, you'll just sit there and mope around sad for something that could have been fixed. What's the worst thing that can happen you getting fired from your job."

I couldn't just mope around and do nothing. Are you really going to listen to her Ariana? What if she is right I mean I'm unemployed, nothing can get worse.

"Kristen, wait I'll do it." She turned around and smiled. "Good, cause I already have a plan but, first I need your help with the incoming business."


After hours of helping out at the bakery it was closing time. I quickly finish cleaning up the store. I look down to see the flour and icing on the apron. I walk to the back to put the apron up when I heard small moans.

The moan became louder, I quickly places my apron down and follow the sound. As I get closer I hear the voices of Adam and Kristen.

"We can't do this here.... you know why.... What if-", then there was a long silence. My curiosity got the best of me, I walked up to the door. I lean my ear against the door to hear more.

It was quite then I heard small smacking noises then a series of groans and moans. What the hell are they thinking, I walked away have being startled by Kristen sudden sex crave.

I never was like that with Bryce. I mean he was good but, he wasn't as skilled as he said. He never did things spectacular all he would was go straight to the sex, the same thing ever time.

The same position, same place, and the same effect every time. The sad part about our sex life is that every time we had sex It would be good once every blue moon. I would aways have to finish his work.

The thought of me finishing Bryce's work brought the anger. I hated him for the pain he cause me and possibly the cause of me now being unemployed.

I wanted to yell in anger. How? Why me? I put my face in the palms of my hand. The emotions were back, a tear fell from my eye. He hurt me, "Que mãe fucker vai pagar"

A loud scream came from the back of the shop. Finally they were done and now we could get down to business.

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Translations: Que mãe fucker vai pagar
- that mother fucker will pay


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