Chapter 29

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Kristen and I sit down and stare at the floor. I had just made the greatest discovery of my career from working for Mr. Price and his demon of a soon to be wife, Ella.

"I can't believe it," Kristen was still shocked. The fact that Ella has been lying this whole entire time baffled me too. "Why is she doing this?" I asked. Kristen picks up the fake maturity belly and plays with it herself. "The main question is how does she pull this off?" Kristen retorts.

She swings the belly around herself and wobbles around the room mimicking a pregnant lady. "Look at this Ari," Kristen holds up a liquid pouch and padding,"She's really going all out for this trick." She really was and if tricking Rowland all apart of it. I wasn't going to let it happen.

"I have to tell Rowland." I stood up and grabbed the items," I have to show him what she's up too and I'm not going to let her go through with this." I pack the fakery back in it's box. Kristen watches as I sort through the madness. "Why?" She asked.

I stopped. Her question was short and to the point. Why? I don't know, but I had too. Something was moving me to go and save him from his despair. I continue to pack the box, I reach for the belly off of Kristen, but she turns away from me. "No," She keeps her distance. "Kristen give me the stuff," I reach out again to take it away and she turns away again. "Why are you doing this, let karma get him. He hurt you now it's his turn." She runs to the side of the room. " still have feelings for him don't you?" I had to pause.

Was it those feels that I just couldn't shake away from him making me go back. "Kris I told you I'm over him." She steps back more, "Are Wyou sure? Cause it seems like you do."

"Okay, what if I do?" I retorted. She shakes her head. "Why would you go back to him, he was a jerk to you, he fucked you and left. How do you see the hope in you two when he did that?" I was left speechless, she was speaking the truth and nothing but it. I hold my head and look at the items. "I know and your right, I should just leave it alone." I put the stuff down and plop down onto the couch.

Kristen sits next to me and pats my back. I let out a small sigh and lay my head on her lap. "This is it. I can't go back." Kristen nods in agreement. "It's for the good that you forget about him. Starting over is really nice, Besides this is just a big crush. It'll be over soon."

I sigh again and pick my head up. "Your right," I stand up, "why don't we celebrate me moving on with some wine and a nice meal." I smile really hard, trying to cover up my real truth. Kristen smiles back. "Here, I'll go get our favorite wine and you get the food set up?"

She tosses the keys at me and runs into the kitchen of her apartment. When she's out of sight I grab all the contents in the box and dash out the apartment. She bought it. I felt bad that I had tricked my friend, but I felt even more bad that I wasn't for a moment going to stop Ella.

I've falling too deep into the abyss of feelings for me to just let go of this 'crush'.

I pull up to the familiar place that was once my temporary home and work place. I turn off the car and get out. I grab the box and begin to make my way to the door. My phone rings.

I look down and see that I had multiple messages and calls from Kris. She was upset  and was going to be pissed when she finds out where I truly am. I silence my phone so no distractions would get in my way.

Ding dong

I wait patiently at the door as I stand outside for a bit. Soon the door opens up and a little girl looks up at me. Her eyes dull, but light up when she sees me. "Auntie!" Quell screams and jumps into my arms. I squeeze her back and hold on tight. This is why I came back.

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