Chapter 10

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Picture of Rowland Price

We set up the table as we prepare for dinner, I'm putting the silverware down. I look around at how many seats are at the table. I turn to Rose,"who all are coming to eat here?" she shruggs her shoulders. "All I know is that they are friends of ms.young" she goes back to placing wine glasses. I keep thinking of how Ella acted when Rowland was there. Next time I see her I'll tell her off.

As if on cue Ella and Rowland walked into the dinning rooms. Ella comes around and looks at the arrangement of the plates and silverware. She points at the table "you missed a spot" she said with a grimace.

I walked over and saw the missing silverware, that I had just placed before she came in. "I'll go get you some," Rowland voluenteered. Ella went from being a menace to a sweetheart, "Rowland, it's okay I'll go get some", she skips off to the kitchen leaving me baffled.

Was anyone else seeing the death glares she was giving me or was I going crazy. Rowlands voice brought me out of my thoughts,"I think I found that missing silverware." He point to the silverware lying on the floor.

I went down to grab the silverware, as I came up I bumped my head on the table and dropped the silverware. I went back down to pick it up again and Rowland did too.

We both grabbed the silverware at the same time. He grined "dont bump your head again" he joked. I smiled back, I went up again making sure I wouldn't bump my head again.

I didn't notice that we were still holding the silverware in both of our hands. Heat crept up my cheecks when I looked down at our joined hands.

His hold on my hand sent shocks, making my stomach tighten. He grined sheeply and handed me the silverware and the warmth of his hand on mine was gone.

Ella walked in holding some silverware, she looked up a Rowland and me. She stood at door of the kitchen just looking at us with what seemed to be a smile, but I saw passsed that. I could see the anger in her eyes, I didnt know why she was standing there looking at us like she had witnessed us making out.

We just stood looking at her when the door bell rung breaking her trance. "Guest are here, Rowland could you get the door" she chimed. He walked off to open the door.

Ella sweet and innocent act fell and her real self came out. She gave me a dirty look and shoves the silverware at me and stomped out the room.

The silverware fell to the floor. I looked down at them, I could walk out and go up to my room and cry or I could pick up the silverware and do my job.

I turned around to walk out of the dinning room when Rowland came in and saw the silverware on the floor. He picked up the silverware and placed them on the table. He looked at me,"you bumped youre head again didn't you" he joked.

Swiftly I put on a fake smile and turned back around, "yeah" I said nonchalantly. I guess my poker face wasn't good cause he stared into my eyes, he was looking for a sign to see if I was okay.

Ella came in with a crowd of laughing people. She looks up at me, her eyes flashed a warning while the rest of her looked sweet and innocent. "Ah, Rowland there you are", she linked arms with him and turned to me.

"Could you please get us some champagne," I turn and walk into the kitchen and look back to count how many people where there. Rowland was turned to his side and looked at me. I quickly finish my count and turned around before he could see me blush.

Rose comes to help, getting the glasses from of the rack. I was getting the glasses ready and saw her stareing at me. I stop and look back, she has a sly grin on her face,"What?" I asked. She shakes her head, "nothin just notice the way your cheeks look, like you just saw a fine fella out there."

I quickly ducked my head down so she wouldn't see my cheeks. I finished bringing the first batch of champagne to the guest and walked back to get the second. Rose had left out the three last champane glasses for the rest of the guest.

I looked outside to make sure that there were three more people without a drink. Rowland, Ella, and a guest. I looked at the glasses, I picked one of the glasses and spit into it. I walked out and went to the guest without a drink and prayed a mini prayer so they wouldn't take the glass with my spit in it. I had struck luck and the guest didnt take the drink.

I walked to Ella and Rowland and crossed my fingers. Rowland picked up the cup and was about to drink it, I looked at him trying to give him a sign not to drink it. It seemed that he saw my sign and handed it to Ella, she smiled and drink the champagne. A smirked appears on my face, she looked at me and shooed me away.


All the guest had left now, Rose and I were cleaning up the dining room."Darlin you look like your about to pass out why don't you go to sleep, I'll finish this up." She insited. I ignored her kind gesture and went to go pick up some of the plate, but she bet me to them and picked up the last plates and left to finish the dishes.

I sighed and walked out and went up the stairs. I walked down the hallway to my room, I opened up the door to find out that I had found a cleaning closet. I realized that I was lost in this big house. I went to go back to Rose and ask her where my room was.

I walked down the hallway and couldn't find the stairs, I turned a corner and another. I was making it more difficult for myself, I walked some more and opened another door.

In the rooom was Rowland. He was in the room typing on his computer. He looked up from the computer and gave me his fetching smile."Hey, Ariana", his voice was soft and soothing. I stood at the door just gazing at him, mesmerized by his smile.

He stood up and came to me,"everything okay?" he takes two more steps and he standing close to me.

"Merda" I say under my breath. I shake my head,"yeah, just lost." He smiles, "big house isn't it."
He brushed past me making me ache at my core. He motions for me to follow him and I do.

We make it to my room, I open the door and stand in the doorway. I look up at him,"thank you for helping me find my room" I look at my room and see how bland it looked."No problem, if you get lost again you know where my office is,"and it was true cause I memorized where his office was located.

I'm such a creep.

I look up at him and gaze into his eyes, they were hypnotic. I quickly look down feeling myself getting sucked into his trance, "well good night"

He tilts my head up so I was looking at him, "Boe noite" he whispered and kissed my forehead. The kiss gave me butterflies, I felt like a teenager again, get a grip Ariana.

He walks down the hallway leaving me standing at my door having a mini heart attack from his kiss on my forehead.

I close the door and sit on my bed. I fall back and look up at my ceiling. The thoughts came rolling in. "What's wrong with you Ariana letting him do that to you, that's your boss." I said to myself, but you liked it.

I growled in protest of my thoughts. I don't have the hots for my boss... I don't...Do I?


Sorry for such a long chapter, about to go on a trip so I won't be releasing any chapters maybe.

Hope you enjoyed comment, vote and spread the word.

Cagar: shit
Boa noite : good night


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