Chapter 30[part 1]

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I walk into the house and it was silent, only the noise of the buzzing workers went through the halls. I look around and see no one. "Mom?...Rose?...Quell?...Ari-" Quell runs down the stairs and  into me. "Why, hi there miss Quell." She holds on tight to me saying nothing, just shaking her head. I look down at her closer and see her tear stained face. Puzzled I bent down to ask her what's wrong when I heard rushing from down the stairs and a loud howl of my name. "ROWLAND!" Ella screamed from the staircase.

She runs down the stairs towards me, she looked as if she was wrestling with something. She approaches breathing heavily, "we need to get a restraining order NOW!" She bellowed. I feel shaking at my side. Quell was trembling and starts crying, I pick her up and hold her close to me; hugging and comforting all the while."quell what's wrong sweetheart?" I asked.

Quell continues to cry on me. Ella comes closer and rubs quell's back. "That monster. She scared you didn't she." She cooed in quell's ear. I was confused even more. Restraining order? Monster? Who was here?

Rose walks down the stairs. "Ah, rose there you are. Come get queso, I need to talk to Rowland." Rose nods her head and reaches for quell. Quell puts up a small fight but finally moves to Rose. They move slowly away. Rose looks back and then down. She had something to say too.

Ella pulls me into her study and closes the door behind. I walk in and Ella plops down in her seat. I take a seat in front of her and watch her. She takes a deep sigh and relaxes a bit, her body still stiff from the issue. "I told you she was crazy and needed to get a restraining order on her." She stood up with a stern look, " She's insane and needs to be put away." She grips at the hem of her shirt tight when she speaks.

"Who is she?" Not Ariana? "Ariana!" she let out. "She came her looking for you, and went crazy running around and even scaring poor Quinn"

"It's Quell" I corrected

"Same difference, she came in here and recked havoc on our preparations, she's stressing me out." She sighs, " I need a glass of wine".

"Wine?" I looked astonished. Doesn't she know that alcohol is bad for babies. "Yes Rowland wine. I need me some damn wine to ease my nerves." She pulls out a half empty bottle from the bottom of her drawer. "All this is making me uneasy, I can't be uneasy at our wedding!" She pour herself a glass and raises it to her lips, but before she could take a sip I yanked it out her hands, slamming the glass on the table.

"Your not drinking, it's not good for you or the baby". She looks baffled. "What baby?" She asked. I was in disbelief, how can she forget so fast that she's pregnant, can't she feel the baby by now. Quickly her face changed from confusion to shock. "Oh my goodness, look what she's doing to me! Making me so stressed I forget about the baby and almost killing it in the process." She sits down and lays her head on the desk. Soon small cries come from her. "Rowland I'm so scared," she whimpers. I walk around to her side and rub her back.

"Don't be scared it's going to be fine honey. I promise" she begins to cry more and more getting louder with each cry. "Im scared she's going to drive us apart." She cried out. I tilt my head and grin. "And how is that?" I asked.

She picks up her head and huffs, "She's been so close to you." I shake my head and chuckle a bit.

"I asked you to marry me, not her, I want to be here for the baby and for you." I tilt her head up and smile. She was reluctant at first, but smiles back. "I know", she smiles even harder, "that's why we're getting married on Sunday." She's grinning ear to ear know from what she had told me. Married this Sunday? We barely had things set up and it was scheduled for another week. "Why so soon?"

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