Chapter 12

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I stood in the middle of my new decorated room. The pop of the colors made the room seem lively. I couldn't believe that all that hard work payed off.

There was a knock at my door. I look back and see Kristen standing in the doorway."Now this is more like it." She looks around and sighs. Something was on her mind.

"What's wrong?" I asked. She huffed and walked towards the balcony. "I'm just going to miss you coming to the bakery."

I shake my head and chuckle, "Kristen I will always visit the bakery",she gives me a smile. "How about I treat you, I know this great bakery. I bet you they will give you a free cupcake."

I laugh at Kristen's sarcasm. We link arms and skip out the room. We rush to the car when I remember to tell rose I was leaving. I tell Kristen and walk into the kitchen.

"Rose are you here?" I call out. There was shuffling in the pantry. I moved into the kitchen slowly, the shuffling stopped and out popped out Ella with a bouquet of flowers.

She notices me and looks me up and down. She holds out the flowers, "Put this in water,"she commanded and sashayed out the room. Rolling my eyes I found a vase and quickly placed the flowers in the case

I fill the vase with water and placed it down on the counter. I moved the flowers around to make it look nice. I notice a tag on a flower, I took the tag off of the flower and glanced over it.

It was a love note. I wondered who it was from and looked looked at who had sent it. The tag didn't say who it was from. It's probably from Rowland. I shrug off the feelings that I felt coming.

I found a sheet of paper and wrote a note for Rose, telling her I was out and placed it where she would find it.


Kristen and I made it to her bakery and ate a few cupcakes and talked. I was eating my second cupcake and Kristen had said something that made me choke on my cupcake a little.

"What did you say?" I coughed. She looks at me like she hadn't said something crazy.

"You heard me, I know you like your boss." she answered. She takes another sip of her coffee and points to me. "I saw your face, I only saw your face red once and that was when Bryce whispered sensual stuff in your ear."

I contemplate on what to say. Should I tell. nah. I wave my hand, "No! no you have it all wrong, I was carrying a heavy box and you know when stuff is heavy and," I snapped my fingers trying to find the right word.

"Flushed" Kristen added."Yes, that's the word, I was flustered from holding the large. I have no feelings for my boss." I went back to eating my cupcake.

Kristen nods her head."Mmhm, so no feeling, nothing at all." "Nothing at all," I assured. I went to take another bite of my cupcake when Kristen slapped the cupcake out of my hand.

"Cut the crap, I know you like him and don't lie to me. I know when my friend like a guy." I close my mouth and frown, I glance at the cupcake on the floor.

"You owe me another cupcake," I protested. Kristen groans and walks off, hopefully to get me another cupcake. A buzz comes from my phone, I glance at the message. It was from Rose, she needed a little help with something.

Kristen comes out of the back with a cupcake. I smile and take the cupcake, I stand up and grab my keys. "Gotta go help Rose with something." I give her a hug and left.


I trotted into the kitchen and the smell of chicken and other delicious foods intoxicate my nose."Mmmm rose, it smells good in here." I follow the sent to the oven and look into it and see rotisserie chicken.

"It's lemon pepper, you like?" I sit up on the counter, next to Rose preparing to cook green beans. "Yes I do,"I rub my belly.

"Good, now go tell Mr. Price that the food is almost done." I sigh and hop off the counter, "Where is he?"

She points to her right,"In the gym working out. Its down the hall to your right." I walk out the kitchen to the gym.

Why are you acting like this, all your doing is telling him that dinner will be ready in a bit. How hard can that be.

I make it to the gym and glance around. Rowland was lifting weights, sweat dripped down his face. The sweat trickled down his neck and down his body, his body glistened in sweat. My eyes tracked down to his chest.

I felt a rush of chill's go down my back. God this might be harder than I thought. I cleared my throat and spoke,"umm dinner will be done in a bit." He grunts out an okay and continues to lift.

"Nice bouquet of flowers you bought for Ella." He looked at me with confused eyes," I didn't buy Ella a bouquet."I felt confused also

He lays the weight down. He gulps down a bottle of water and points to something. I look behind me and see a towel. "Can you pass it to me," I glimpse at Rowland holding his hand out.

I grab the towel and hand it to him. He takes it and wipes the sweat off of him. I stare at his bare chest, he was so fit. "Take a picture it will last longer." I'm startled and look up at him grinning at me.

"I'm fine, I've seen better though,"I boast. He chuckles, "oh really," he walks closer closing the gap between us.

He tilts my head up and gazes into my eyes. "Ariana, I'm the best you will ever see." My breathing becomes erratic from his words. Dear God he's so true.

I turn around and walk out the room. I had to call Kristen, she was right. I like my boss.


What's up with Ella's secret admirer, hmm. Hi readers hope you enjoyed. I will be trying to update a little faster but, if I get 5 comments and 3 votes I'll update this Sunday.


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