Chapter 27

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What was I thinking? Did my worst nightmare happen, cause it sure seemed like it. I pace back and forth before I walk back into to the house and up into my office. I go to my desk and begin to work to take my mind off of what was going on. It made me dizzy every time I thought of it. I begin typing on my computer, typing away my thoughts. I start to dwell on the things that has been going on. I type more furiously on the keyboard, I was thinking to hard and thinking to much of it. Before I knew it I slammed my fist on to the keyboard. I couldn't work in this condition.

I decide to swallow my pride and stride to Ariana's room. I knock on the door, there was no response so I did it again. The door creeks open, I push it open more and enter. Her room was empty, boxes were placed all throughout the room. She was packing up and it's all because of me. I walk out the room, feeling empty as if I was leaving something behind. Probably my feelings. I could feel nothing, I was numb.

I walk back downstairs and take my keys off the hook. I hop into my car and drive off as far away as possible. I needed to escape.


"Yes, and then he had the nerve to blame me. Like me!What did I do to deserve this?" I fell back on to Rose's bed and closed my eyes. I take in all the memories I had with him and try to forget them, but they were engraved in my head.

"Well, first off, he's a soon to be married man and you, young lady, just had an affair with him. What did you expect him to do. To fall in love with you once he knew the truth about a women he's getting married to next week." Rose sits up now in her chair, "Ariana, you need to realize that he may not really love you like you think he does." She sounds soft and full with concern. I see where rose was coming from, but all this makes me more confused on how I ended up here.

I stand up and give rose a small smile and a hug. I leave the room knowing the truth about everything. I make it back into my room before the tears fell from my face. I jumped into my bed and cried. I curled up into a ball and pulled the covers over my head. I cried my heart out. Pouring my pain, confusion, and anger into my tears. Why did I fall for this dude? Why was I an idiot to believe that maybe, just maybe I had found that someone who was true and real to me.

I cry myself to sleep and slept for a long time. I wake up and go to the bathroom. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Geez, how long did I cry?

My eyes were puffy and My cheeks were stained red. My hair was looking like a birds nest and my mood overall made me feel horrible. I decided to take a quick hot shower to perk myself up. I stand into the warm hot water and relax. I found myself drifting off. I slip into my happy place and find myself relaxing under the warm water.

A loud boom knocks me out of la la land. I quickly get out the shower and see what the commotion was going on in my room. I take my towel and wrap it around me tight. I peek out the door and into my room. I scan the room and see an object on my bed. Slowly I walk into my room to take a closer look. As I walk in more I can see what is on my bed.

Rowland was on my bed. He seemed to be unconscious. I walk up closer, the smell of alcohol looming over him. The closer I got the more intense the smell got. I quietly tip toe over to my dresser to put some clothes on. I open up my dresser pulling out my shirt and pants and slip them on. I turn to walk back into my bathroom and there stood Rowland. He staggered a bit but kept his balance. I try to walk past him, but he blocks my way. "Stop," he says quietly. I ignore what he says and try to go past him again. He blocks me again.

I sigh and jump up on to the bed and try to cross. Rowland hops on it to and blocks me again. "Stop," he says again. "Stop?" I repeat , "Never"

He looks down and sighs. He looks back at me, his eyes were dull and empty. I ignore the eye contact and try to push past him, but it was no use. He takes my hands and pins them down to the bed. He straddles me, putting all his weight down on me. He brings his face closer to mine, dangerously close. The overwhelming smell of the alcohol was so strong it seemed that I was getting drunk too. I continue to squirm under him, trying to wiggle my way out.

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