Chapter 2:

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We landed in London at 9:37pm. I quickly rushed to get out of my seat before everyone else got up.  

When I got out of the plane I started wheeling my suitcase down a hall covered in people. I started going too fast and my suitcase flipped over and it somehow unzipped. All my stuff was everywhere, even my bras and tampons. I was so embarrassed that my tan face felt like it was on fire. I quickly tried to gather my things as a boy leaned down next to me and started helping me.  

"Thank you." I said with a grin 

"No problem," the boy said as he tried to hide his face in his scarf. 

He had a very thick accent, almost kind of Irish. He had Blonde hair and sunglasses on, so I couldn't see his eye color. Why the heck was he wearing sunglasses? 

"I believe this is yours," he said laughingly as he handed me a pink lace bra.  

"Uh, yah thank you," I said as I snatched it out of his hand. I decided that changing the subject was the best plan. "My names May, and yours is?"  

"uhh.. It's Niall," He said as he shook my hand. 

The name sounded quite familiar, but I couldn't think of where I had heard of it. Luckily, we had finished picking up my stuff. 

"Well thanks!" I said with a smile. 

"It was my pleasure love," Niall said with a grin as he walked away. 

Well, now I have to walk through the big city of London and find my apartment and settle in.  

I walked out of the airport and flagged down a taxi, and forgot that the money was different there. I told the man of my situation and he didn't seem pleased, but when I told him where I was going, he didn't act like it was a big deal. 

"Well, it's obvious that you're a foreigner, and the college isn't that far from here so it's on the house," 

I thanked the man and we drove off. The city was big and bright. We drove past the London Eye and even Big Ben. The fashion there was quite different by what I could see from my fogged up window. We drove up to an area of scattered tall buildings with small cafes and boutiques going down both sides of the street. My green eyes widened at the sight of the bright signs and building lights. I had never been very fond of the city, but for some reason I felt happy inside looking at all the tall buildings and high class people, along with the extreme poverty. 

We stopped and I got out with my bag. I was so distracted by everything around me that I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and I ran into a man. 

"Oh um sorry," The man said as he tried to gather his things off the ground. 

"No, It's my fault," I said as I picked up my purse that had spilled out on the ground.  

The man had sun glasses on too. What is up with all the people here wearing sun glasses at night?!  

He quickly rushed off without even letting me see his face. I got up and headed back toward my apartment complex.  

After I got my key and headed up the elevator, I unlocked the door and saw a small room with a TV already plugged into the wall. It had a note attached to it that read: "This TV was bought by your parents along with some other furniture." 

I closed the note and set my purse down on the counter. I went and sat down on the couch and turned on the TV.  

"Well, I don't know any of the channels..." I mumbled to myself. 

I flipped through the channels and stopped on a Spanish channel as my phone started ringing. "That's weird; don't I have a different ringtone?" 

I picked up the phone to see a number calling me, but the number looked familiar. Oh! It was my number, but how is that? 

"Hello?" I said confused as I answered the phone. 

"Hey, we accidently switched phones," A voice said as it blasted out of the phone.  

"Um yah I guess, who is this?" I said  

"Uh this is Louis," Louis said with hesitation. 

"Okay, I'm May; can we meet tomorrow to switch them back?" 

"Um yah I guess," he said  

He gave me the address and told me what he would be wearing and then I hung up.  

"Man that name sounds so familiar..." I whispered to myself.

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