Chapter 9:

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~Niall's POV~

I finally did it! I finally asked her! I have been waiting months, for the perfect moment. I wouldn't exactly consider her hung over and feeling like crap a good thing, but otherwise it was cute! Now since were together, I guess I have to do something. I went to put my hand around her when-

"HEY May! Oh hey Niall!" Liam said as he barged through the door.

"Yay..." I mumbled as May jumped up to greet him.

"You didn't reply to my text so thought you got to feeling even worse, so Ih brought you some Gatorade," Liam said as he opened up a grocery bag.

"See Niall, he knows!" May said sarcastically as she opened the bottle.

"How should I have known!?" I said somewhat offended, but really just disappointed.

~Liam's POV~

Niall was acting really weird. Usually he is super happy around May, but today he just seemed out of it. May didn't look to happy now either.

"What's up with you two?" I asked.

Suddenly, Niall's facial expression went from ticked off to creepily happy...

"Nothing! In fact, things haven't been better between May and I!" he said with a wink.

"And why is that?" I said expecting a joke.

"Be- because May and I are going out now," Niall blurt out.

I couldn't believe it. He had to just be pulling my leg. May didn't like him that way... she can't.. Why isn't she saying anything!? Why does she look so guilty?

~May's POV~

You could feel the awkwardness building. I felt sick, even sicker than I was from my hangover. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know why I felt so bad.

"So this isn't a joke?" Liam said by breaking the silence.

"W- Why would it be a joke?!" Niall yelled as he jumped up from the couch.

I jumped in front of them to stop Niall from hitting Liam. I don't know why he was so mad.

Suddenly, my eye sight went black and I felt as if I was floating on air. I heard voices, but they were very blurry. Then, I was gone.

Sorry guys, I know it was short, but chapter 10 is on it's way really soon!



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