Chapter 19:

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As our lips pressed against each other, I could feel the passion. The kiss seemed to never end, but sadly, it had to eventually. Our lips gently pulled apart as our eyes met. His breath came in short huffs as it slowly hit my cheek. I somewhat felt empty afterwards, as of the kiss was made to keep going. And then I realized something, Louis had just broken up with Eleanor. I didn't wanna be the re-bound girl that just helped the guy get over his ex.

He seemed to notice that something was wrong as he brushed my bangs back behind my ears with his fingers.  

"What's wrong?" he whispered. 

"I- I don't wanna be used," I said standing up.  


"you know! The re-bound girl!" I yelled. 

"re-bound girl?" he cocked his head to the side. 

"like the girl who just helps the guy get over his ex," I said jumping off the rock. 

He followed. 

"I wouldn't do that!" he said chasing me as I fast walked down the beach. 

"Oh yah," I said ignoring his pleads. 

"Just stop it!" he said grabbing my wrist. 

I quickly pulled my arm out of his hand and kept going. 

"May, I dumped Eleanor for you!"  

I stopped. 

"W- what?" I said slowly turning around towards the boy. 

"I dumped her for you," he said with a cute grin. 

"Oh great!" I rolled my eyes. 


"I am the reason you two broke up, wow I'm gonna be hated by every Directioner." 

"well, I was getting tired of her always being mad at me for some reason and never caring about my needs or taking the time to get to know my friends, especially you."  

"I don't know Louis..." I turned away. 

"May, I care about you a lot and I think I have made that quite obvious over the past month or so. I want you to be my girlfriend," he said while holding my hands. 

"well, I'm sorry but, I'm not ready for... This, I think you should wait till Eleanor is off your brain and you start your new life without her." 

He starred at me weird. 

"and if you still like me after all that, I will reconsider being your girlfriend," I stated. 

"seems fair," he said releasing my hands. 

We walked down the beach to have dinner and finished off the somewhat awkward night.  

When we finished, everyone piled into the cadillac and headed home.

The ride home was quiet... Like too quiet.  

I decided to turn the radio on. A old rock song came on that was from about 2014. I pretended to do the air guitar to try and make people happier, but for some reason everyone was all tired and... Boring. Liam was practically falling asleep at the wheel. 

I was sitting next to Louis and Zayn when I finally got everyone to join in on our sing along.  

Finally the song ended and it went back to silence. Not even Alyssa and Harry were making sound with their stupid couple giggling. 

I eventually started feeling tired and the next thing I knew, I was falling asleep on Louis. 


I was starring out the window of the black car, watching the centers fly by me. It was as if we weren't moving, but the world was moving around us. 

I looked to my left to see May starting to drift off, in a weird slow kinda way. She began fluttering her eyelashes as if she was trying to stay awake. Then, she closed her eyes and gently rested her head on my lap. 

All the other guys were either not paying attention or asleep so I didn't have to act weird.  

I began to play with her long brown hair. I twisted and untwisted it around my fingers, carefully tugging on it so she wouldn't wake up. She was a restless sleeper that kept moving, which eventually led to her facing straight up looking at me. I decided to take a chance. I placed my shaking hand on her cheek to get a better look at her soft tan skin and dark freckles under her shut eyes. I put one of my arms under her waist and carefully lifted her up so that her head was almost Resting on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her small, cold body, resting my head against hers. 

"I could get used to this," I whispered to myself as I went off to dream land.


*May's POV* 

I woke up in my bed, with the blankets completely tucked in around me. 

"weird," I said. 

I got out of bed and walked down stairs to find a bunch of men laying around my house. 

"oh the struggles of life," I joked as Liam woke up. 

"hey you seen my pants?" he said putting a shirt on. 

"uh no!" I said covering my eyes. 

"just kidding!" he said laughing. 

"Gosh, don't try and scar me for life!" I said walking into the kitchen to start making breakfast. 

"What for breakfast?" Louis said walking in "fixing" his hair. 

"Pancakes and sausage," I said pulling out the pans. 

"mmmmm," Liam said rubbing his hands together.

After breakfast, I was left alone at the house. Alyssa and Harry were going on a date, Niall and Zayn were going todo errands, and Louis was going shopping with Liam.

I decided to have some me time. I took a nice, long shower, painted my nails, cleaned my room, and watched my favorite show, Vampire Diaries.

As I was watching Damon attack some guy, I heard a knock on the door. 

*knock knock* 

"ugh, I don't wanna get it," I whispered to myself. 

*knock knock* 

There it was again. 

*knock knock* 

"Maybe it's the UPS guy or something," I said as I got up and headed towards the door. 

"how can I-" I stopped as I looked at who it was. 

"Eleanor?!" I said surprised and a bit scared. 

"I'm here for you, you brat," she said starring at me almost evil like. 

"what-" I was cut off.

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