Chapter 8:

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Chapter 8:

~Louis' POV~

I Woke up with a huge migraine and with my left arm still "asleep". I tried to move it, but I couldn't. I looked over to see May asleep on my arm with her hand on my chest. Strangely I wasn't weirded out by the situation at all, it felt some what... Right. I decided to try and go back to sleep when suddenly May's arm completely wrapped around me and she started mumbling in her sleep.

"No Boo Bear, don't leave!" May muttered. 

I decided to entertain myself by listening to her random babbling. 

"I love you so you- you can't go..." her voice trailed off. 

Was she dreaming? 

"Lou, Louis... Why do you hurt- t me?" she said with a moan. 

My eyes widened. 

"How do you make my heart hurt, when your with her..."  

My jaw dropped open. Was she just dreaming? How could I hurt her?

I suddenly wrapped my arms around her small weak body and began to nustle my nose in her hair.

~May's POV~

I woke up with warm air blowing on me at a slow rate. I opened my eyes to see Louis' face right in front of mine, but he was asleep. I tried to move but his arms were wrapped around my body almost python like. I wiggled around to try and wake him up, and finally he woke up.  

"oh um..!" he said when jumping up.

"Morning," I said with a laugh. 

"hahaha very funny, but good morning, want some advil for your head ache?" Louis said as he walked to the kitchen with 

Me following close behind.

"sure but only one, it's not that bad," I said as I pressed my hand against my pounding forehead.  

"hey, it's Christmas!" Louis shouted as he handed my a glass of water and an Advil. 

"woo... Now be quite" I said while rubbing my head. 

After I took my Advil and grabbed my present from Louis I headed home.

When I got home I realized that I had 3 missing calls on my phone and a few texts.

4 messages

Hmmm... I'm lazy, but I guess I can read one or two... I settled down on the couch and read the first message:

Liam: hey, heard you got left with Louis last night! That must have been fun!! :p hope your not too hungover to hangout! Text me when your up. K?

Niall: hey love, how are you feeling? I don't know how much you had to drink last night, but I hope I can come over and we can have Christmas together :)

Zayn: how was Lou! XD lol

Louis: thx for dealing with me and my drunken-ness last night ;p

Ugh... I don't want Niall AND Liam I come over so I have to choose one...

Me: Hey Nialler :) you can come over whenever you want. I'm home.... And hungover... So prepare for the worst ;p 


Niall: oh I already have! ;) be there in 5

I set my phone on the table next to me and unlocked the door so I wouldn't have to get up when he got here.

Me: doors unlocked 


Niall: ok ;)

A few minutes later Niall came in the door with a few bags in his hand. 

"What's this? I asked. 

"Well I brought a few Christmas movies, medicine, chocolate, and popcorn," he said as he set the bag down on the counter.  

"What about my gatorade?" I asked sarcastically. 

"I will remember that next time," he said as he handed me an envelope.

"Oh, I didn't get you anything," I said sadly.  

"no, it's okay just open it." 

I took the card out and began to read:

Dear May, 

I have always seen something special in you, that I don't see in many girls. I have had a crush on you ever since the day we took you on a tour of London. Now look up :)

I looked up from the card to see Niall on one knee holding a small box.

"Woah, woah, WOAH! I am not going to marry you Niall!" I said 

Niall began to laugh a bit. 

"No, it's not that...." Niall slowly swallowed. 

I stared at him curiously... Then I realized what was happening. 

"Will you, May Davis, be my girlfriend?" Niall said as he opened the small pink box to reveal a sparkling silver necklace.  

My eyes widened at the blue eyed boy.

I began to think of what had happen this morning with Louis... Did I like Niall? Or did I like Louis?

Then I thought of Eleanor, and how happy Louis was around her. His happiness made me happy, but the reason why he was happy angered me. Then I knew what to say....

"Y- yes..." I said as Niall gave me a giant hug.

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