Chapter 6:

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*alarm clock going off* 

"ugh..... Shut up!" I yelled as I hit my alarm clock off the table with my pillow. 

About 15 minutes later I got up and realized that Niall was supposed to be getting me in 10 minutes... which was NOT enough time to get ready! 

I jumped out of bed and took the quickest shower of my life, I don't even know if I put in my conditioner.... I put on some skinny jeans, a grey sweater, a scarf, and some grey toms. Right as I finished getting ready, I heard a knock on the door. 

"Heyo!" Niall shouted as he jumped out from behind the door. 

"Hey," I said as Niall hugged me. 

"Ready to go?"  

"Yup, let me just grab my sunglasses," I said as I put on my aviators. 

"This way m'lady," Niall said as he offered his arm. 

I wrapped my arm around his and we skipped off... it was my idea of course!

-10 minutes later- 

Niall and I talked about "the states" the whole way to Liam's house. He had only been there a handful of times and was curious about some things like: 

Did the French really give America the Statue of Liberty? Yes 

Do all Americans say "dude" a lot? Depends  

Does your primary American diet consist of Hot dogs and pizza? No, well not mine at least 

Right when I finished answering ALL his questions we arrived at Liam's house.  

"Well we better get going! Zayn and I planned a whole day of fun!" Liam shouted. 

"I'm scared," I said into Niall's ear as we both began to laugh. 

All of us got in a big van that was driven by a big man with bald patches on his head. 

I sat in the back with Liam and Niall, in the middle row was Harry and Zayn, then in the front row were Eleanor and Louis. We all laughed and talked while we toured the city.  

"So Harry how is Swifty?" I said sarcastically with a giggle. 

He looked down in embarrassment as the other boys began to laugh. 

"We broke up in late July of 2013," He said as if he was still upset about it. "No, because everyone thought that was gonna work out," Niall said sarcastically. 

"And he still remembers the exact date," Liam said as he patted Harry's back as we all laughed. 

"Liam, how come you buzz cut your hair a long time ago??" I said 

"Well, it was annoying to deal with long so... poof! It was gone!" Liam said with a laugh. 

"Well, I like it a lot more now," I said as I ran my fingers through his messy fauxhawk, or at least it was messy now. 

As the van pulled up to a restaurant we all piled out. I looked around to see the hustle and bustle of the city around us. I also saw Liam out of the corner of my eye fixing his hair. I began to laugh as Zayn came up behind him and messed it up again. I looked up at the restaurants sign it read "Nando's" in big fancy letters.  

"Well, I told my friend Thomas that we would have a beer together so I gotta go, bye," Harry said as he got back in the van and drove away with the driver. 

"Well, let's go inside, we have reservations," Liam said as he gestured towards the restaurant.  

As we walked inside the restaurant, I looked around to see that it was empty. 

"Uh... Are you sure we should eat here?" I whispered in Liam's ear. 

"Yes, love, it's empty because we don't want crazy fans... I mean people breathing down our necks while we eat." He said with a laugh.  

A waiter came out and seated us all at a long table. I sat down in the middle of the table and saw Niall and Liam rush to sit on opposite sides of me. I let out a laugh at how stupid they looked, but they didn't seem to get why I was laughing.  

I looked at the menu in confusion. I had no idea what to get or how much cost because money was different there.  

"Uh Niall, how much money is this," I said as I pointed to a dish on the menu. 

"About $25 in American money, love"  

"Oh, god that's too expensive for me," I said as I quickly flipped the page. 

"Oh no that's okay," Niall said as he flipped back to the page, "I'm buying," 

"No, I can't let you do that-"  

"No, it's okay it's my treat," Niall said as he closed my menu with a satisfied look on his face. 

I began to look around the room at the décor until my eyes settled on a cute brunette boy with hazel eyes and a corny smile across the table. My eyes were fixed on the boy until Eleanor noticed and started kissing him as to make me mad.  

My heart suddenly began to ache. Was I jealous of Eleanor?

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