Chapter 16:

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~May's POV~

It was a coincidence! It had to be! He couldn't know about Cameron! I don't want him to. I don't want anyone to know!  

I stared at him without saying a word. I didn't plan on replying.

"Well, May?" Louis said leaning in towards me. 

He crawled over and began leaning into me so that his warm breath hit my face. I sat there silent. Chills rushed through my spine.  

"So, who is this Cameron?" Louis said slowly into my ear. "This Cameron Davis guy." 

"I- I don't know a Cameron Davis," I said confidently. 

"Oh, really?" He said brushing his nose against my cheek. 

I sat there in a trance. His slow words and soft breath made me melt.  

I broke out of the trance and jumped off the bed startling the boy. 

I went over to my desk and saw that the "Past Boyfriend's" box had been opened. 

I turned around slowly and stared Louis down. He looked a bit nervous. 

"Why... in hell were you looking through that box!?!?!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. 

"Shhh!!!" Louis shouted jumping up and covering my mouth with his hand. 

I jerked away and kept yelling at him. He looked through MY personal stuff and it just so happens that my biggest secret is in that box.  

"Why are you so mad?!" He yelled back at me. 

"You can't just dig through my stuff!" I yelled trying to hit him. 

"It's just your old boyfriends! It's not a big deal!" he said blocking my hits. 

"Yes, it is!" I yelled almost crying now. 

"Whoa, why are you so upset?" He said worried. "May, are you alright?"  

"I'm fine! Now why did you look through my stuff?!" 

"May, you're getting really worked up, stop!" Louis said trying to grab my arms. 

"I'm fine!" I yelled. 

"May, you're going to have an asthma attack stop," Louis said calmly yet sternly. 

Oh yah, I had forgotten I had asthma. I hadn't had an asthma attack since high school so I had pretty much forgotten about it.  

"I'll be fi-" I stopped as I clenched my chest," 

"Are you okay?" Louis said. 

"Yah, I'm fine, It's just an asthma attack," I said as I sat down on my bed. 

I hated asthma attacks. They always got in the way of what I was doing. Then I would have to do stupid breathing exercises and totally embarrass myself in public. Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, and breathe out. Yah thanks because I didn't already know how to breathe. 

"Okay, now that that's done," Louis said laying down next to me.  

I stared at my hands in my lap. 

"You do realize that now you have to tell me, right?" Louis said propping his head up on his arm.  

"Please don't make me..." I said with my head turned away from him. I began to playing with my fingers. 

~Louis' POV~ 

"Come on, May, it can't be that bad." I said. 

She stopped fiddling with her fingers.  

"You have no idea," she said. 

"Oh come on it can't be-" 

She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. 

"I ran away from home when I was 18," May said as she looked away. 

I sat there and listened. 

"Cameron Davis was my fiancé. Once we graduated college, we wanted to get married, but my parents didn't want us to get married till I was done with med school. I made the decision to run away so that my parents couldn't decide what I did with my life. They were too controlling and didn't let choose anything on my own even though I didn't even live with them," May said. 

"Cameron and I decided to run away together so that we could decide when we wanted to get married. We used our saved money and moved to Georgia, where Cameron got a job and I stayed at home in our one room apartment," she said hugging her legs.  

"We got married 1 month after that in a small church, even though either of us were religious, but it was significantly cheaper than renting a venue. I was had never been so in love in my life. I knew I had found my soul mate. We were perfect for each other. I still believe that now..." May said laying down next to me. 

"So, what was so bad?" I asked hesitantly. 

"Well, I um," she stuttered. 

"May, come on you can tell me," I said as I put my hand on hers. 

"After, about 5 months of us being married, I found out that t-that he was cheating on me..." she said. 

"Oh my god..." I said. 

"yah, I guess I had to ruin my whole relationship with my family and change my whole world for someone in order to get hurt by him," she said sarcastically as she wiped her eyes. "I guess I just wasn't good enough.-" 

"No, stop," I said. 


"Stop it May!" I said. "Don't say that about yourself!" I said angrily. 


"You're too good for that low life sleaze bag! How could he ever do that after everything you did to be together?!" I ranted. 

"Uh, Lou?" 

"No, how could a human being be that cruel?! How could he do that to you!? You of all people!" I yelled. 

"Louis stop," May demanded. 

"It's just that, it's horrible how that happened to you..." I said. "Wait, you got a divorce right?" 

"yah..." She sighed. 

"Then what about-" 

"My last name? Yah, well it's hard to legally change your name on everything so I just left it." She said. 

We were silent. 

"Look on the Brightside, Lou," May said. "If that didn't happen, then I wouldn't have met you and the boys!" she said with a smile. 

There it was. My favorite thing to see was her smile. It always made me happy and know that everything was going to be okay. 

Our eyes locked and I leaned in for a kiss. As I was getting closer I started to close my eyes, but she pulled away before our lips could touch. 

I just made things really awkward... didn't I?

After a while we laid down and I began to think about all that just happened. I was probably one of the only people that know exactly what happened. I was trusted with her biggest secret, and I had to keep it one in order to have her trust. I wasn't going to lose her trust.

Hey guys! sorry this chapter is short, but its super late and I had people really wanting to know about Cameron so I decided to stay up and do an more informative chapter. Chapter 17 will be out soon! :D plus I am planning on writing another story so be on the look out ;) ill tell you in this book when my other one comes out. Thank you :3


Jordie <3

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