Chapter 18:

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Chapter 18: 

"what?" I stuttered. 

"yah," he said looking away. 

"But, Louis... you and Eleanor were like... Perfect for each other, and you always told me that she was all you ever wanted!" 

"well maybe what I want is different now!" he said somewhat angrily. 

I backed away. 

He turned towards me fast, looking at me with his dark brown eyes. They looked sad. 

"sorry." he said turning his attention back towards the bright sky. 

"Lou," I said gently touching his check with the palm of my hand. 

"huh?" he turned towards me. 

"let's have fun tomorrow, k?" I said with a wide smile. 

A grin went across his face. 

"okay love."

*Next Day at the Beach*

"This is awesome!" Zayn yelled as he ran into the water. 

"It's such a nice day out!" Alyssa said covering her eyes like a sun visor. "We got lucky." 

"I'm defiently not getting in the water," Liam said setting up a lawn chair. 

"Why not!?" Louis yelled as his duck floaty fell off his waist.

I have no clue how many pool floaties he brought, but it was to the point where you could barely see his skin! Don't even get me started on the snorkel....

"The water is too cold," Liam said. 

"Oh yah!? I'll show you!" Louis said running to the water with his floaties flopping around.

He dove in to the dark blue ocean, with a couple of floaties launching off. 

"3...2..." Liam counted.

"AHHH!" Louis screamed jumping out of the, obviously, freezing ocean. 

"it's so cold!!!" Louis said running up the beach towards us. 

"no shit Sherlock..." Harry said under his breath, just loud enough for me to hear. 

I wrapped a towel around Louis' shivering body while laughing at Harry's remark. 

"the water is cold," Louis said. 

"really dude..." Alyssa said while shaking her head. 

"don't judge me..." Louis said crossing his arms. 

"anyway..." zayn said eyeing Louis weird. "What are we gonna do?"

"a party hardy!" Niall said raising the roof. 

"Ya... Any either ideas? Anyone? Please!" zayn laughed. 

"I'll start the barbecue while you guys go do something," Liam said grabbing the lighter. 

"I'll help!" Niall said grabbing the big spatula. 

"Harry and I are gonna go play volleyball!" Alyssa said walking off with the curly haired boy away. 

"What about me?" Zayn said with his puppy dog eyes. 

"oh... Okay you can come with us," Alyssa said wrapping her arms around both the boys.

"Well I guess that leaves just you and me," Louis said with a fake sigh. 

"why don't we go on a walk?" I suggested. 

"Race yah to the Rocks!" Louis said bolting off leaving me in the dust. 

We ran after each other with me winning by a landslide, or in Louis' words, a dust speck. 

"You barely won," Louis said gasping for breathe. 

"Oh whatever sore loser," I said climbing up the large rocks. 

When I got to the top, I sat down and took in the view. The sky was the perfect blue with only a few fluffy clouds in the sky slowly moving with the breeze. All you could hear was the crash of the waves hit the rocks, and the occasional "Cook yah damn burger!" from Niall. 

I looked to my side to see Louis reaching the top of the rock I was on. He sat down and seemed to examine his surroundings just as I had. 

"Beautiful," he said. 

"Yah, I guess..." I muttered. 

"I guess? It's incredible!" 

"Well the ocean just kinda scares me, it's just so big, and I'm so small." 

"Well that's what makes it so incredible! It covers 3/4 of the world and has tons of different animals living inside of it, it's like a whole other world." he said gazing off. 


"Whatever I can't make you like it," he said leaning back. 

"thank you," I said turning away. 


"Yah?" I said turning towards him.

As I turned around, I suddenly felt his lips roughly press against mine. 


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