Chapter 28

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Chapter 28:

Destiny's POV.

"So, who are your friends?" Niall asked me with a friendly smile as he gestured towards my "squad".

We all were sat in the gazebo area at a large rounded table that apparently fit eleven people. There were other groups of people around, but I think they were just there because of the whole One Direction ordeal.

To answer Niall's question, I went down the row of my friends, one by one.
"First there's Ethan, that's Haley, Kyle's next, then Selena, and finally Zach."
I did the same with introducing my friends to my family.
They each gave small hellos in between and my friends were actually behaving themselves.
That's a first.

Liam kept looking at them skeptically and looking back to me with a 'why did you make friends with these freaks' look.
I just glared at my father and he eventually stopped and acted more friendly towards them.

"So how do you all know each other?" Louis asked obviously interested in how we all became acquaintances.

Haley smiled at Louis and answered him. "Well, we're all kind of in the same clubs and electives. Like I met Des when she joined the football team and glee club. Ethan met Des in the bands club and he introduced her to Zach, Kyle knew Ethan and Zach and met Des through the drama club and marching band, and Selena just kinda made friends with her the first day Des came." She concluded.

"Plus," Ethan piped up. "We're all amazing at making music." He said with a smug look on his face.

Niall, who was sitting next to me, poked my cheek and grinned at me. "I never knew you joined all these things."
I shrugged and grinned back at him. "I just haven't had the chance to tell you. I've been busy with all my homework and stuff."

Niall kissed my cheek and pulled me into his side. "That's alright, school sucks." He then intertwined our fingers with his free hand and smiled when he noticed that I was wearing the ring he had given me.

We joined back into the conversation and I noticed they were talking about the different clubs.

"Honestly," Louis stated. "I have no idea why Des would even try out for the football team. She's bloody awful." Everyone laughed and I sat there, offended, with my mouth hanging open.

Louis held his hands up and looked to me, "Just speaking the truth." He said which made them all crack up more.

I glared at them and pouted next to Niall, who of course, was laughing as well.

The laughter died down soon and it grew quiet for a few seconds before Selena spoke up so it wouldn't grow too awkward.

"Well, if you would excuse me, I have to go and tutor a freshman now. It was nice meeting you all! See ya!" she said cheerfully. We all bid her farewell and watched her walk away back to the dorms.

"Yeah, Kyle and I have to meet up with some guys from the bands club, something about getting a guitar. Bye guys." Ethan said as he got up from his spot, Kyle following in tow.
As Ethan was walking off with Kyle, Kyle turned around and waved a goodbye. "Bye! Nice meeting you guys!"

"That reminds me, Zach and I have this football captain meeting in like ten minutes. We should go, but it was a pleasure meeting you guys!" Haley said cheerfully and gesturing for Zach to follow her away. "See you guys." Zach said before he left with Haley.


It's like they all had to leave on purpose.
I shrugged that thought off and turned to the lads who were looking confused as well.

"Your friends are nice." Harry commented.

"Yeah, they are." I mumbled back.

Since the table we were sitting at was so large, we decided to take over a smaller picnic style table so it didn't seem so empty.

As soon as we all got settled, Liam started questioning me in a concerning way.

"What's up with the guy that looks like Michael Clifford?" He asked me suspiciously.

I shrugged, "It's just his style I guess."

"Do they do drugs or something?" Liam asked again.

I cracked a smile whilst the lads chuckled beside us.
"No. Of course not. Why do you think my friends are drug addicts? Because they act like they're high? I'm sorry, but that's just the way Kyle is." This really made them crack up.

Liam, however, didn't find it very funny.

"I just want you to be in the right group of people because I don't want their irresponsibleness rubbing off on you." He said to me.

I grabbed his hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "Li, I think I'm going to do okay here. My friends are very responsible and trustworthy. Can you trust me on this?" I asked him.

He sighed, "I guess." but then he grinned a little which made me feel less worried inside.

A few moments of silence passed by us and I shifted in my seat uncomfortably.

Niall placed his hand on my shoulder before speaking. "Hey, is it alright if Des and I can be excused for a bit?" The lads nodded and Niall took my hand and led us farther away from the gazebo and to a deserted area out on the campus where the boys couldn't see us.

"What's up?" I asked my boyfriend just as he stopped and started looking around to see if there were any bystanders around us.

"I just needed to do this." He answered before cupping my face in his hands and placing his lips onto mine.
I melted into his touch as I placed my hands on his shoulders and pulled him closer to me.
We pulled apart moments after and we smiled at each other.

"Is that all you wanted this whole time?" I asked him.

He grinned goofily and nodded before pulling me in for another breath taking kiss.


Okay yes I know this chapter sucks just continue on to the next part and ill explain myself

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