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Destiny's POV

*3 years later*

"Shit, Niall, I'm never having another kid again!" I yell in pain as another contraction takes place. It feels like my organs are being ripped to shreds. It doesn't help that doctors are trying to help and are all up in my space. Niall is laughing too, that bastard.

"That's what you said after the last one!" He retorts, wincing as I squeeze his hand to cope with the pain.

He does have a point. I mean, we realized I was pregnant only a week after our honeymoon in Greece and I gave birth to a beautiful daughter who we named Lucy Marie. She's nearly two now and is staying with her uncles Harry and Louis at the moment. She reminds me so much of Niall with her big blue eyes button nose. Also, her hair is super curly and dark brown much like his natural color. He actually stopped dying his hair and I enjoy the brown quite a lot.

Anyways, now I'm preparing to give birth to a child I have yet to find out the gender of. I could literally get hit in the head with a brick and it would hurt less than this.

I moan in pain again and a sweat is staring to break out on my forehead. This is torture, pure torture.

"Um remember our wedding, Des? Yeah um the blue daisies? The big church? All of the drinking? And remember when Zayn was so pissed that he passed out on the dance floor?" Niall starts to ramble and I'm assuming he is to get my mind off of the stabbing pain in my pelvic area.

I do find the memories of our wedding very fond. That was one of the best days of my life. My dress was everything I've ever wanted, all of my friends were there, the food was delicious, the decorations were perfect, and the whole day was just a dream come true. I feel like every little girl has a dream of getting married with their dream wedding, and finally having that dream be a reality was just amazing. Dani was the one who planned most of it, so I couldn't thank her enough.

Sadly, reminiscing doesn't take the pain away too much. I've already been sitting in this hospital for three hours and the baby's not quite ready yet. Niall called everyone and most are waiting down to hall to see our new member of the family.

I know that this will be worth it in not too long and the pain doesn't last forever, but I don't think it's ever going to stop. Plus, I'm going to have to work out a ton after this to get rid of all the extra skin. I love babies, but they really can change a life.

"Destiny, you're dilated just enough and we're going to get ready to deliver this baby as soon as the doctor arrives," the nurse tells me.

"Finally!" I groan, wincing in pain. Niall snickers, but I can tell that he's really excited by the way his eyes light up.

After a lot of screaming, pain, pushing, and comforting words from Niall, I finally hear that baby cry and relax into the bed I'm laying on. Finally, it's over.

"Congratulations! It's a boy!" The doctor seems just as happy as I am that it's over (probably because my screaming is finally over) and he quickly hands me my crying baby.

Niall is a crying mess at this point as he coos at our son. I'm relieved that it's over and glad I'm finally able to meet our baby. After another half hour of getting things cleaned up, we're allowed visitors. I know I look like a mess, but none of our friends seem to care.

The first to come in are Liam, Dani, Lucy in Dani's arms, and their twin sons; Oliver and Adam who are about six years old. Liam seems overjoyed as well as Dani.

"Congrats you two!" Dani exclaims, giving me a look of sympathy when she sees my state.

"What's his name?" Oliver asks, gazing at the baby that Niall handed over to Liam.

We had agreed on names previously depending on the baby's gender. Of course, he got to pick the boy's name.

"William James," Niall states proudly, looking at me for confirmation. I nod and can't help but smile because that's actually a really nice name he picked out.

After the Payne family, all of the lads came including Zayn and Perrie's daughter, Nicole. Harry and Louis are trying to adopt, but haven't been successful quite yet. Niall's parents and brother also came to say hello. I couldn't be more happier even if I was not so joyous previously.

Later in the evening, the doctors take William away to do some check up things and tell me that I'm supposed to stay until tomorrow so I can heal up. Lucy went home with her grandparents and Niall is staying the night with me. I end up falling asleep earlier than expected, but I did just give birth so I'm super exhausted.

The next few days, weeks, months, and years pass by and I couldn't be more happy with my life. My husband is just amazing and so wonderful all the while. The band isn't making music anymore, but he enjoys golfing and playing footie for charity with the boys. We end up having two more kids, Hannah Lynn and Cody Michael. All four have totally different personalities, but I love how unique they all are and am happy that they are happy.

As for the others, Zayn and Perrie had one more child, Nathan, Liam and Dani had another daughter who they named Elizabeth, Harry and Louis adopted two siblings, Gloria and Kendra from an orphanage in Asia somewhere, and everyone is doing their own thing. We all see each other often being that we all live at least a day's drive away from each other so we keep in touch.

I, on the other hand, have started writing fiction books which have been really successful, I still see fans every so often when I'm out and about, and I have met my birth parents. They were sort of unpleasant so I chose not to keep in contact with them, but I'm glad that I met them finally.

Kyle, Selena, and that lot and I get together as well. We don't do much music together anymore, but we still have dinner and spend days with each other.

If you're wondering, Niall died first at eighty-seven. He owes me five pounds for that because he thought id choke first. I swear it's all the beer he drank.

Anyways, my life was amazing. I know that I'm not perfect and I never will be. I did the things I wanted to do in life and was ever so lucky to get adopted by Liam and Dani. Without them, who knows what would've happened to me. Without One Direction, I don't know who I'd be right now or what I'd be doing.

Fate is just so beautiful. Like a flower blooming for the first time, or the look on your husbands face when you say you love him to infinity and beyond.


I hope I ended that well ?
Thoughts or opinions ? I love me some feedback.
Dang, I can't believe it's over. Thank you so so so much for all the support!


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