Chapter 41

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Chapter 41:

Destiny's POV

"It's nice to meet you, Tiffany," I say out of all kindness to the girl sitting next to Niall, cuddling into his side. She's really pretty to be completely honest, I understand why Niall would want to date her. 

She smiles with her perfectly straight and white teeth showing, "You as well, Destiny, right?" 

I nod and smile at her again. I finally glance at Niall to see him looking at me quite blankly and emotionless. 

"It's good to see you as well, Niall," I grin at him and this is actually a true grin. A small cheeky smile that I want him to see because I still do love him and love the sight of him. I do miss him and just being in the presence of him makes me feel a bit happier than usual. 

He nods, but looks down at his lap with the same neutral expression. I frown slightly, but turn away from him and go to the stove to get some breakfast for myself. Liam and I made pancakes and bacon for the lot of us. Dani is out for some modeling work if you're wondering, but I'm not sure about Eleanor, she's probably just working as well. 

I take a seat at the table in the dining room because that's where everyone else is. We like using that table because it's like we're an actual family even though none of us are related basically. It's a very nice room as well. 

Liam and Louis are both laughing at something once I sit down across from Liam and next to Louis. They continue on with their conversation about their last tour in America, at least that's what I think they're talking about, and I go ahead and eat. Damn, Liam is good at cooking. 

"Do you have class tomorrow, Des?" Louis asks me, then takes a bite of his bacon. 

I sigh, "Yeah, but I'd rather not go so maybe I'll stay another day here? I just really don't want to go to class to be honest," I shake my head at myself and Louis chuckles a bit. 

"Destiny, I'd like it if you were to go to class tomorrow. As much as I'd love you to stay at home, I think that you should go," Liam tells me with a stern look on his visage. 

I swallow because my throat suddenly feels very dry as he stares me down, "All I have is a stupid class on Calculus that I already know, my foreign language, and psychology. It's not that big of a deal, dad," I assure him. 

He runs a hand through his hair, "Destiny, it is a big deal because I paid for these classes and you're going to take them. You don't want a bad reputation either, all I want you to do is succeed. You're leaving tonight whether you like it or not." 

I nod and frown the slightest bit, "Okay," I mutter. Everyone has gone silent, not even the sound of silverware against plates is heard. I look down the table to see everyone looking at us. I catch Niall's eye and he looks apologetic for a moment, but then turns to Tiffany and kisses her cheek quickly. 

I long to be her; she has it all. She's beautiful in all ways possible, she is one of the sweetest people I've ever met, and she has Niall wrapped around her finger. I'm not jealous, but right now I think I'll strive to be her so maybe Niall could look at me without a expressionless face and a smiling one instead. 

I should start by not eating these pancakes. I completely drowned them in syrup so I'm guessing that they aren't very good for me at all. I place my fork down on my plate and drink the rest of my tea instead. I probably should stop drinking my tea with milk and honey then; dairy isn't good for you and honey has a lot of sugar in it I would assume. 

"Well, I think that I'm going to have a little jam session today if any of you want to join me," I say, standing up and excusing myself from breakfast. I scrape off all of the pancakes I didn't eat into the bin and place my dishes in the sink before going off to the music room that I've longed to be in for the longest time. 

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