Chapter 35

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Chapter 35:

Destiny's POV

I'm in the middle of one of my Teen Wolf episodes when I hear a knock at my door.

"It's open!" I call as I munch on some crisps. Yes, I am that lazy that I don't get the door myself.

"Oh daughter! We have come to greet you!" I pause my episode quickly and jump out of my bed at the sound of Dani's voice.

She lets out a surprised breath when I hug her tightly as soon as I get to her. I haven't seen her in forever. Of course we Skyped and stuff, but I haven't seen her in the flesh since the last time I was home.

Liam is standing next to her and and watching us out of fondness. As soon as I've finished my embrace with my mum (that still sounds so weird saying it), I go over to my dad (still weird) and hug him as well.

"I've missed you two so much," I tell them as I hug my dad. He then chuckles and picks me up off the ground and twirls me around. I start to giggle as soon as he sets me down and press a quick kiss to his cheek.

"So," Dani says, going over to my bed and petting James, "what are you watching?"

I go to sit on my bed and pat the spot next to me for her to sit down, "Just catching up on Teen Wolf," I tell her as she sits down.

Liam comes over to me with a confused expression, "Why isn't Niall up here with you then? It seems like you two are always attached at the hip. He's been home for a while just sitting in the living room watching television," he frowns and sits down on the other side of me.

I shrug, "He doesn't like Teen Wolf all that much and I really wanted to catch up on it," I explain.

Liam nods, but Dani gives me this look as if she knows something is up.

"Li, could you go and bring my bags up to our room please?" She says to dad. He looks at her for a moment with a "what the hell?" face and she glares at him as she nods her head towards the door.

Dad seems to get it after a few moments, "Yeah, I'll do that," he says before getting up and leaving. They exchange 'I love you's as well before he exits. My parents are literally relationship goals guys.

"Destiny," Dani says as soon as Liam leaves the room, "can I ask you a question?"

I nod carefully and smile nervously, "Ask away!"

"Are you and Niall splitting apart?" I try not to look at her when she says this, but I can tell she's giving me a concerned look.

"What makes you think that?" I reply quickly out of uneasiness. Why does she have to know everything? She's a mind reader I swear.

"I've just seen some things on Twitter and I know for a fact that if you love someone that they would watch your favorite show with you even though they can't stand it," she tells me in a calm voice, "Just tell me what's on your mind."

I takes deep breath before looking into her chocolate colored eyes. "Well, I know for a fact that I still love him, but it's like we're just not spending any time together anymore and I feel like he doesn't want to hang out as much with me. I don't know, really," I say as I wipe my clammy palms onto my joggers. Half of that was true. I know for a fact that I'm the one avoiding him, but I do still love him. I always will.

"Well, it's good that you still have feelings for him, but why don't you two do something fun together so he knows that you still want to be together?" She suggests as she scratches behind James's ears who had crawled into her lap.

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