Chapter 36

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Chapter 36:

Two Days Later

Destiny's POV

"Destiny, time to get up," I hear voices as I begin to regain my consciousness from my previous sleep. I groan loudly and turn on my stomach because the light is too bright for my precious vision. I know the voice that woke me up belongs to Dani, and I have no idea why she's waking me up so early. I just want to sleep in until one today or something. Is that too much to ask?

"DESTINY!" I jump in my laying position from the loud scream that is literally right next to my ear.

"WHAT!" I yell back just as loud and annoyed at the person who yelled at me. I know who it is (Louis), so I didn't really care if I yelled at them. I open my eyes to see a phone in my face probably recording me.

"Happy birthday!" a whole bunch of voices cheer at the same time. It's my birthday? Oh yeah, I guess it is. I kind of forgot about it because I was only thinking about how to break up with Niall for the past several days.

I break out into a grin and hide my face in my pillow. They remembered. I've never really got to celebrate my birthday because they didn't really do that back at the orphanage.

I sit up in my bed and rub my face to try to wake up more. I'm immediately attacked by a pair of arms and lips as soon as I do so. My smile fades as Niall peppers kisses all over my face and hugs me tight as he wishes me happy birthday himself. I've decided that I'm breaking the news to him today, so this is just torture for me. When Niall pulls himself away from me, I smile at him and this isn't a fake smile. It's a smile to show my gratitude for him, to thank him for making me happy.

I take a look around my bedroom to see the boys, Dani, Perrie, and Eleanor. Liam is holding a small tray with some coffee, and a plate of pancakes with fresh fruit and whipped cream.

As Liam hands me the tray, I smile widely, "Thank you so much," I tell my family and friends. They all engage in light conversation as I eat my breakfast. Whoever cooked it did a very good job. These pancakes are to die for and paired with black coffee, they're even better.

"We're taking you out shopping today, so if I were you, I'd be ready in the next hour," Perrie tells me from where she's standing next to Zayn who has his arm wrapped around her waist.

I pout and take a sip from my mug of coffee, "But what if I just want to sit in bed all day and watch Netflix?" I whine. Liam takes the tray back from me and leaves the room with Zayn, Louis, Harry, and Niall in tow. I thank Liam and wave goodbye to the boys.

"Too bad. We're having a girls day today. We need to shop for dresses for some upcoming awards show that we need to go to," Eleanor says as she grabs my hand and pulls me out of bed. I groan as my vision goes spotty. Damn you head rush. When my vision clears, Perrie takes my almost finished cup of coffee away from me and I whine in protest. But Dani is already dragging me to my bathroom.

"Shower please," my mum tells me and closes the door behind her so I'm left alone in my bathroom. I sigh in defeat and go to turn on my shower to warm up the water. I guess I'm going shopping today whether I like it or not.

As soon as I'm out of the shower and have blow dried my hair and pulled it up into a messy bun to keep it out of the way, I slip out of the bathroom and clutch onto my white fluffy towel that's tied around my torso. The girls are still in my room, but are looking through old subscriptions of fashion magazines I have stacked on one of my bookshelves. They're laying on my bed and I look at them questioningly.

Dani points to my closet, but doesn't take her eyes away from her magazine, "We picked out an outfit for you. Go and change."

I nod and hurry over to my walk-in closet. I shut the door behind me and drop my towel to the floor. I look towards my mirrored wall in front of me to see some denim high waisted shorts, a white lace crop top, a cream and maroon flannel, and my golden studded white sandals sitting on a small white ottoman chair thing that I never actually use. Cute outfit. I quickly slip the clothing on and step out of my closet to see that the girls haven't moved an inch since I went into my closet.

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