Chapter 42

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Chapter 42:

Destiny's POV

My side aches as I finish my fourth mile on the treadmill, but I still have one more to go. I turn down the speed of the machine slightly so my strides are smaller and I can catch up on my breathing. There are only a few other people in the gym most likely because it's five-thirty in the morning and classes don't start until eight. I still have a paper to do the final touches on, so I plan on doing that once I get back from the gym at around six. I'm only just starting my daily workout and still have to do my abs and arms after this. 

It's been a few months since I've been back home and I've acquired a pretty healthy lifestyle since then. Only 1,000 calories per day and a one hour workout every morning plus footie practice after my last class every day on weekdays. I've lost some weight, but not quite enough yet. 

Kyle and I have gotten together with Haley so far, but Zach and Ethan are still pretty distant. I have a few classes with Zach and one with Ethan, but we don't usually talk at all. Heck, I never even have time to talk to Kyle and Haley because of how much extra work I'm putting into my schoolwork. Dad told me to get good grades because he's paying for me to be educated, so I need to live up to that expectation. Plus, I'm the starting midfielder on the football so I need to keep that reputation up. 

The drama teacher also wants me to be in the musical Into the Woods because she told me I'd be great in the role of Little Red Riding Hood who is the lead. Of course I said yes even though I have terrible stage fright. I'm determined to get over it, however. Niall said he always likes outgoing girls in one of the interviews he was in, so I should strive to get out of my comfort zone for once. 

Also, the music teacher wants to record some of my piano and cello playing for a different student for something or another. I'm not sure, but all I know is that I'm really rusty with my cello playing and need to practice after footie practice tonight. 

In a nutshell, I'm busy until Christmas when I get a two week break off of school and a couple months off from football until February. The musical ends in March, but the battle of bands is at almost at the same time yet I don't know if we're partaking in that. It might not be the same without Selena...

Finally, I finish my last mile and turn off the machine before going over to the weights. My music shuffles to a new Panic! at the Disco song and a rush of adrenaline comes over me. Working out actually isn't that bad, I mean the feeling afterwards is great. My coach for football is pretty pleased at how much my stamina and endurance has increased. In our last game, I only was taken out of the game for twenty minutes overall. 

Anyways, once I've finished up at the gym, I shower and change into some light denim skinnies with rips at the knees, a pair of navy blue TOMS, and an Adidas shirt. I don't really go all out with outfits unless I'm going to an event or something that has a dress code. I just don't see the point in wearing a skirt when I'm going to classes all day. 

Once I get back to my dorm, I have about an hour and a half before my next class which gives me more than enough time to skim through my paper on economics. This is super boring because all I want to do is major in music, but I have to take this class because it's mandatory or something. 

At eight I'm sitting in a classroom full of sleepy twenty-year olds that smell of coffee and breakfast burritos. It seems that I'm the only one who isn't slightly hungover. Even the professor looks like he had a bad night last night, and it's Wednesday. 

I go along throughout my day rushing from class to class and squeezing in time to practice the cello when I have lunch and between class. After my last class of the day, which is French, I'm off to football practice where I mess around with most of my teammates because our coach is an hour late for whatever reason. We're playing an intense game of tag once he arrives, and he isn't very pleased with us. 

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