Chapter 14:

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Chapter 14:

I woke up to the sun streaming through the window.

I sighed and tried to stretch out my limbs, but it seems that I am connected to a cute little blonde boy.

He does look quite adorable when sleeping.

I smiled and started poking at his face.

He scratched his nose and his eyes fluttered open.

I giggled and he smiled tiredly at me.

"Good morning sunshine." I told him.

"G'morning." he said in his little raspy and cute morning voice.

I bopped his nose and we started laughing.

"You're too cute." He told me.

"Not as cute as you." I said back.

We sat in his bed, holding each other, and enjoying our presence.

"Hey, you smell that?" he asks me, sitting up a bit.

I sniffed the air, "No. What do you-" I was cut off because Niall was ready up and sprinting towards the stairs.

I chuckled and followed his same path, slower than he did.

I found him in the kitchen, stuffing himself with bacon.

I shook my head at the boy and sat down at the table where Liam, Louis, Eleanor, Harry, and Dani were.

I took a seat next to Eleanor and leaned my elbows against the table.

"Good morning Destiny! Did you sleep well?" Harry asked just a bit too cheerful, like he was faking it.

I gave him the 'what the heck?' look and answered slowly. "I slept just fine, why do you ask?"

"Oh you know, because you were all lovey dovey with Nialler." He answered with a smirk on his face.

I raised an eyebrow at him. How did he know?

Dad stopped eating, "WHAT?!" he exclaimed.

"The vents love." Harry said in a low voice.

"Liam! Calm down mate! We didn't 'do' anything!" Niall said, walking to the table and sitting next to me.

I felt my cheeks get warm and I intertwined Niall and I's fingers underneath the table.

"Are you two a 'thing' now? Because I don't think I approve of it." Dad said.

Everyone froze at his words.

I looked up at my father, he had a look of frustration and anger on his face.

"Babe, let the girl be a girl." Dani rubbed Liam's arm.

He pushed her hands off, "No! What will the media think of this?"

"We can keep it a secret Liam! It's not that big of a deal!" Eleanor protested.

"Yeah mate, just give us a chance." Niall said to him.

I bit my lip. "Please dad. Niall makes me happy. And I want to be in a relationship with him. I'm not 5, I'm 16. Just please." I pleaded to my father.

He pursed his lips, "I'll think about it." He finally said.

Dani smacked him in the back of the head. "Yes hun, you two can be a 'thing'." She said as Liam rubbed his head.

I smiled at my mum and kissed Niall's cheek.

I mouthed 'thank you' to her before I got up to grab a cup of coffee.

What? Gotta stay moving...

I sat back down next to Niall, coffee in hand, and intertwined our fingers again.

"Oh and Mr. Tomlinson," I said towards Louis who looked up at me, "I'm not your slave anymore." I smirked and he pouted.

Serves him right.


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