Chapter 9:

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Chapter 9:

I thrashed around in the water, trying to stay afloat.

And since I'm not in shape at all, I gave up quickly and just sunk to the bottom.

Is this the end?

I hope it's not.

I'm only 16!

I started to feel weak.

And then I blacked out.

Niall's POV.

I threw her in the pool, expecting her to come right back up and start to scold me.

But she didn't.

She's probably just playing games with me.

But she's still not coming up.

Oh crap! I bet she can't swim!

I dove in after her, picked her up, and swam back to the surface.

I put her on the ledge of the pool and started shouting for the boys.


I put my ear on her chest, I could hear a faint heartbeat.

I also put my hand under her nose, she's not breathing.

"What happened Niall?!" Zayn asked.

"Someone give her CPR!" I shouted to no one in particular.

Louis quickly started pushing on her chest rhythmically, then held her nose and breathed air into her lungs.

I wish that was me doing that.


"Please baby, wake up!" Liam pleaded.

"God?" she mumbled, opening her eyes.

Then she sat up and coughed up a bunch of water.

A very lovely thing to witness.

Not really.

Destiny's POV.

I hear voices.

Am I in heaven?

"God?" I ask towards the sky while opening my eyes.

Oh wait, I'm alive.


Before I could do my victory dance, I started to cough up water.

Did I really swallow this much?

"Are you ok?" Niall asked worriedly.

I looked up at him, "Just dandy."

Relief washed over their faces.

But wait.

"Who gave me mouth to mouth?" I asked and stood up.

They all pointed at Louis.


He smiled sheepishly while I wiped my mouth.

We all walked inside and I ran up to my room to shower and change clothes.

*After all that jazz*

"Hey dad?" I asked him while walking into the kitchen in my batman onesie and wet hair.

"Yeah?" he responded.

"Where should I sleep?"

He thought for a moment.

While he was thinking, Harry came in out of nowhere and said, "How about we have a sleepover in my room tonight?"

You're a wizard Harry.

"Alright, sounds good." Liam said and walked out of the kitchen.

"C'mon love, lets go have the best sleepover in sleepover history!" Harry exclaimed and linked arms with me.

"Indeed we shall!" I added as we skipped off towards his room.




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Stay dandy my believers


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