Chapter 1:

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Chapter 1:

A cool spring breeze passes by me as I strum my guitar and sing the lyrics to 'A Team' by Ed Sheeran.

A small crowd has gathered around the park bench I'm sitting on.

When I finish the song everyone claps and puts change into the hat sitting at my feet.

Why am I doing this? You may ask.

Well you're in for a treat because there's a pretty long story behind this.

Hi, I'm Destiny.

Destiny Elizabeth Adams.

I'm 18, I have dark brown eyes, brown hair, and I'm pretty short.

The number one thing you should know about me is that I can't keep promises that well.

You'll learn more about that later.

Anyways, I have a very big passion for music. It's my everything pretty much.

My grandfather always said that I'm a musical prodigy.

He owned a music store and let me play all the instruments.

He used to teach me late at night after the store closed.

You may be wondering why I'm using past tense.

It's because he's dead.

Just like the rest of my family.

My mum, dad, and two brothers died in a fire.

My parents were only child's and all of my grandparents died of old age.

I have no one.

That's why I turn to music for help.

I've been living in an orphanage for about eight years now, I assume.

I came here when I was about ten.

My whole family died two days before my birthday, August 10th.

How lucky am I?

Oh, I still haven't told you why I'm a street performer.

When I was little, my family was very poor. We lived in the poorest part of London.

When I was 7, I think, my parents bought a guitar from grandpa for Christmas.

I knew we were poor so I would go to the park everyday and play.

People would give me money and I would give that money to my parents for food.

I'm doing it now because the stupid orphanage I'm at doesn't take care of me at all, and because it's a little tradition thing that I like to do.

Ok so now back to the present.

I checked my phone and saw that it was 5:30.

Ah shiz! I'm late!

Dinner always started at 5 and if you weren't there, bad things happen.

Meaning that you would get a whipping from the belt.

Yeah this orphanage is very old school.

Just like the uniforms they make us wear.

White button up shirt, braided hair, a long tan skirt that went to our knees, white knee-high socks, and these black dress shoes.

The boys have the same thing but with slacks, a black tie, and they don't have to braid their hair.

That would be stupid.

But I usually only wear the uniform when the people that work there are around.

Meaning that I wasn't wearing it at the moment.

I was wearing a pair of galaxy denim shorts with a Nirvana shirt and black Vans with my hair hanging loosely down my shoulders.

I quickly shoved the money in my pockets, put on the SnapBack that was holding the money, slung my guitar over my shoulder, and skated towards the orphanage.

Yeah I own a orange Penny Board named Elijah.

Elijah because that was my younger brothers name and orange because that was his favorite color.

It only took about 5 minutes to get there.

I probably won't have time to change, but does it look like I care?

Those 5 minutes passed by quickly and I was now climbing through my window so it looks like I didn't leave.

I put my guitar and Elijah on my bed and hurried out towards the dining hall.

There isn't many people at this orphanage, 20 girls and 18 boys maybe?, so as soon as I walked through the doors to the dining hall, all eyes looked towards me.

I quickly hurried towards the table with my 'friends' and sat down.

I don't exactly like calling them friends because I never really like to get attached to anybody because I know they'll leave me.

Plus they're like 15 and 14 because I'm the oldest here.

"Out playing again?" Kyle asked me.

I nodded. "Fifty dollars."

(A/N: I know that this takes place in the UK and that she's British, but I'm American and I don't exactly know the currency system that well for the UK. So bear with me here)

"Not too shabby my friend." Alexa said.

I smirked at her comment and felt a tap on my shoulder.

Ah crap.

"It's very nice to see you here today Destiny." The witch spoke.

Okay I know she's not a real witch, but everyone calls her that because she's the one who made this joint and everyone pretty much hates it here.

"Now, where is that lovely uniform that you should be wearing?" She asked coldly.

I shrugged and tried not to make eye contact with her.

"How about you come with me so we can fix that?" she asked.

I didn't have time to answer because she took a hold of my wrist and dragged me out of the room to her office.

Here comes the torture.




My second book on wattpad yay!!!

If you don't already know, I'm Carolyn.

Ok so just to clear things up a bit, this takes place in London, she has two friends (Alexa and Kyle), and Destiny is played by Maya Mitchell (sorry if I spelled that wrong)

I'm not British so bear with me here

I know this is a One Direction fanfic but they're coming in the next chapter maybe?

I just didn't want this chapter to be terribly long.

stay lovely my believers!!!


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