Chapter 13:

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Chapter 13:

"Oh really?" Louis said and leaned against the door frame. "I think I know a kiss when I see one."

I started to panic a little bit.

Would Liam approve of this?

"Louis please keep this a secret. I'll do anything." I begged him.

A devious smile crept onto his face.


Oh no.

I nodded slowly and he came over to us.

"Be my personal slave for a week and maybe I won't tell." He stuck out his hand for me to shake.

"Deal." I shook his hand.

"Now, carry me downstairs." He said and jumped into my arms.

Man this boy is heavy.

I gave Niall a look for help and he picked up Louis' top half and I held onto his legs.

We brought him downstairs and practically threw him on the couch.

"OW!" he screeched.

Niall and I laughed at him then walked to the kitchen.

"Dad?" I asked Liam and he turned around to face me. "Will you please put my furniture back into my room?" I gave him the puppy face.

He seemed to buy it.

He sighed, "Alright dear. But that's going to have to get done tomorrow sadly. I'm too tired." He tapped my chin and I smiled lazily at him.

He left the room and I turned my attention towards a hungry Niall searching through the fridge for whatever.

"Sleepover at Niall's?" I asked him.

He looked up quickly and smiled. "Of course."

I did a little victory dance and he shook his head and laughed at me.

I pouted and went to the music room with an amazing idea.

I grabbed a guitar and walked out to the kitchen again.

Niall quirked an eyebrow at me whilst he made a sandwich.

"Are you going to serenade me or something?"

"Something like that."

I started strumming random chords then started to sing.







YEAHHHHHH" I belted out those made up lyrics, very out of tune and horribly off key.

He covered his ears halfway through and put his hands down now.

"Was that bootiful?" I asked him.

"It was amazing!" he said sarcastically.

I laughed at him and continued to watch him make a sandwich.


"What are we watching?" I asked the blonde lad as he put a disc into the player.

"You'll see." he told me and sat beside me once again.

It's about 10pm ish and we are having our 'sleepover' in Niall's room.

We are sat on his bed, watching Forrest Gump it looks like.

"Aww you remembered. AWWW." I hugged him and he smiled.

We continued to watch the film, laughing at the funny parts.

It soon ended and Niall got up to switch off the telly.

I moved to a laying down position and he laid next to me.

We sat in the dark just enjoying each others company.

"Des?" I heard him speak up, turning on his side to face me.

"Yeah?" I mimicked his actions.

"Remember when um... we kissed? Did you happen to feel any sparks or anything?" he asked nervously.

I thought for a moment, I did didn't I?

"I did." I nodded.

Even though it was too dark to see him, I could literally feel his face light up with a smile.

"Funny, 'cause I did too." He said.

I smiled too, knowing that we both felt something made me happy.

"So um, wanna kiss again?" I heard him ask.

I giggled and brought my lips close to his.

"Of course." I whispered before connecting our lips together.

It felt like magic.

And that's all I can say about that.

We both pulled away and smiled at each other.

"Do you do labels?" he asked me.

I shook my head, I actually don't like labels very much.

It makes me feel like I'm supposed to be attached to that person.

His smile faltered just a little bit.

"Can we still be a thing?" he asked with hope in his voice.

"Yeah. We can still be a thing." I reassured him.

Somehow, his smile grew bigger and he wrapped his arms around me.

I laughed as he buried his head in the crook of my neck.

We're a thing now.

No more being a Louis slave at least.




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