Chapter 30

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Chapter 30:

Destiny's POV

"DES GET YOUR BUTT OUT OF BED WE HAVE TO GO AND-" the shouting voice stopped suddenly and I could hear whispering and giggles coming from my door.

Who the heck is in my room and how many of them are there?

I sit up tiredly and rub the sleep away from my eyes. As my vision clears, I can make out the figures of none other than my five other friends. Luckily, Niall hasn't woken up yet so I whisper scream to them.

"How did you get in here?" Everyone points to Ethan who holds up a key ring with multiple keys on it. "I might steal keys from the front desk." He says with a cheeky grin. I roll my eyes and grin with him.

I move to sit on the edge of my bed and Ethan, Zach, and Kyle sit on Rachel's bed while Haley and Selena sit on Rachel's and my desk chairs.

I pick up my phone and check the time to see that it's only eight in the morning. "What's so important that you need to tell me at the freaking crack of dawn?" if you can't tell already, I'm not much of a morning person. My friends however, think that my crabbiness is hilarious.

"Well," Kyle starts, "there's a talent show for musicians today on campus, near the science building." Haley excitedly interrupts him. "And, since we're all so talented, we decided that we would perform. We needed your input on the name of our band and the song we’re going to play.” She states.

I nod and sigh looking to Selena who looks sort of stressed about this whole thing. “What time does it start at?” I ask her. Selena gives me a fake smile and answers, “At seven.” I widen my eyes at her. “We have eleven hours to prepare a song!? Wasn’t there a notice for this like a month ago? So we could actually have time to practice?” I exasperate and groan at them. Selena shares my annoyance with me and glares at Zach. “Well, Zach informed us of this, but he did get the information on it about a week ago.” Zach holds his hands up in surrender. “At least I remembered this morning, or else we wouldn’t even be in the competition!” Zach defends himself.

I feel Niall stir next to me as the rest go into a loud and big argument over this whole situation. I turn my head to him and he looks up at me in confusion to why there are people in my room at eight in the morning. His hair is splayed in all directions as he sits up further and yawns. After a few minutes of Niall and I exchanging confused and annoyed looks, the rest stop arguing and finally notice the waking of Niall. But instead of being nice and all, they just shout the whole story of our predicament to him and ask his opinion of what we should sing and what our name should me.

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