Chapter 39

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Chapter 39:

Destiny's POV

"So you're telling me that this blackmailer destroyed your relationship, your grandfather's guitar, your room, and your promise ring?" Kyle asks with his eyes wide and his steaming mug of tea in his hand.

I nodded, "And they threatened to hurt my family if I didn't break up with Niall."

He sets his mug back down on the cherry wood table and leans back in his chair, rubbing his face whilst doing so and ruffling up his hair. I avert my eyes from him and gaze down at my own cuppa and blow at the steam evaporating from it. We're both sitting in the campus coffee shop and it's about nine in the morning. The place is almost vacant other than the few employees that are scrolling through their phones behind the counter.

The place smells like freshly baked bread and coffee beans, which sort of is calming to me and makes the conversation less tense.

"Destiny, I think that we need to get the police involved," Kyle says with all seriousness.

I widen my eyes a bit and shake my head, "I don't think that's a good idea."

He takes a sip of his tea and places a hand on my forearm that's resting on the table which gets my attention so our eyes are locked together, "Do you want to save your relationship with your soul mate, or not?"

I look at him for a while and can actually see the sincerity in his eyes. It's like the only thing he wants to do right now is help me out. I appreciate that, I really do.

"Can you call the police?" I ask.

He nods and grins slightly, "Yes, and I promise that we're going to get this figured out and you're going to be back with Niall before you know it."

I smile back graciously, "Thanks, you're the best, Kyle."

"That's what I'm here for," he says and takes another sip of his tea, which reminds me that I should probably drink mine before it gets cold, so I copy his actions.

"So," I say, changing the subject from solemn to more cheerful, "do you know if anyone else is back from break yet?" I ask referring to our friends.

He shrugs, "Honestly, I haven't really talked to any of them since before break. I have seen Zach and Haley around, but with different groups of people who I never would've imagined them hanging out with. I think Zach is mad because we rejected that manager guy at the battle of the bands thing," he looks sort of sad and lonely? when mentioning Zach. He and Zach were pretty great friends, but I guess Zach has changed over the past few weeks.

"Do you think the thing with Selena has kind of broken up our whole group sort of?" I ask him, wondering about his own opinion.

He sits and stares, frowning at the table, "You know what, I think you're right. It's a good thing that we ran into each other though. Maybe we can get the group back together?" He suggests.

I nod in agreement, "I agree. Maybe we can even play some tunes?"

Kyle laughs, "Yes, that is a brilliant idea! Should I text everyone to see what they're up to?"

"Yeah. I'll text Haley and you can text Ethan and Zach?"

He agrees and we both pull out our phones to contact our old friends. I text Haley saying; Hey ! Are u on campus at the moment ?

I shut off my phone after sending it and watch as Kyle types up a message then sets his phone down as well. My phone suddenly vibrates and I turn it over to see that Haley responded saying that she's still at home and is coming back to school next week on Sunday, the day before classes start back up again.

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