Chapter 11:

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Chapter 11:

I sighed as I scrolled through my twitter feed.

The boys are doing sound check right now at the studio for the interview.

They had already caked us with make up and made us change clothes.

The boys are wearing black and white.

Guess what color I'm wearing?


What did you expect of me? Rainbow?

Anyways, I'm wearing black skinny jeans, black converse, an oversized black t-shirt, my hair is pulled into a side fish tail braid, and they put silver eyeliner and mascara on me.

I think I look cute to be honest.

My clothes are like my soul: dark and black.


I'm not that dark.

It's just mah style.

"Hey Des, you nervous?" asked Harry as the boys came into the dressing room we all shared.

The room is pretty much a house for Pete's sake.

I shrugged and kept my eyes on my screen.

"We have to wait another thirty minutes. How about a game of never have I ever?" Liam suggested.

We all agreed and put five fingers up.

Niall started. "Never have I ever had a sister."

Everyone but me and Niall put a finger down.

"Never have I ever finished school." Harry said.

Everyone but Harry, Niall, and I put a finger down.

They all looked at me kind of a shocked.

"Didn't they teach you there?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah, but I skipped class everyday." I simply stated.

"Never have I ever learned how to skateboard." Liam said.

Louis and I put a finger down.

Dang flabbit.

Zayn and Liam have two fingers down, Louis three, Harry one, me one, and Niall doesn't have any!

It's my turn now.

Time to wipe that smug look of the Irish boys face.

"Never have I ever been in a boy band." I said, quite content with myself.

They all groaned in unison and each put a finger down.

Since Louis only has one finger up, he's using it to flip us off.

"Never have I ever lived in Doncaster." I think Zayn just said that to make Louis mad.

Louis threw up his hands in exasperation while we laughed at him.

"I'm done. Screw this." Louis said and decided to go on his phone.


And all these little things

The boys finished singing and bowed as the crowd cheered.

I clapped from backstage, I'm actually quite impressed.

"So today we are here with the boy band One Direction!" Their interview said once the crowd died down and the boys took their seats, "So, lets just cut to the juicy stuff. Who's in a relationship here?"

Liam, Louis, and Zayn raised their hands.

"Alright, so we have some pictures that were taken of your girlfriends with a mystery girl. Niall, Harry?" She said.

The crowd ooohed and Harry and Niall blushed a little bit.


Oh god, I hope they're not into me.

But yet, I kinda don't mind it.

"Actually, that's my daughter. She went shopping with Dani and the girls the other day." Liam spoke up.

"A daughter? And is she here now?" the interviewer asked with a shocked face.

"Yes she is. Destiny? Would you like to come out from hiding now?" Liam said, looking backstage.

That's my cue.

I walked up the steps to the stage.

There's nothing to worry about.

I stepped on the stage, only to be deafened by the screams of girls.

Man these girls have good lungs.

Liam motioned for me to sit next to him on the couch, closest to the interviewer.

"Hi Destiny! So, what do you think of all of this." She said as she motioned towards the crowd.

"It's it's pretty amazing honestly." I answered.

"That's good. Boys? Would you be kind enough to leave the stage so we can have some girl talk?" she asks them.

The boys left and I'm now sitting here with a weird interviewer.

I feel so nervous without them here.

Just don't mess up.

"So, who do you fancy?"

Just my type of conversation.

Note my sarcasm.


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