Chapter 1

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(Y/N's Pov)
(January 15, 2018/monday)

It was monday morning when my alarm went on, I groaned and woke up then turn it off before stretching my arms and yawning afterwards "ugh..first day of school" I said then got up from my bed and went to the bathroom to fix myself when I heard someone knocking on my door. "Y/N-ah its nayeon unnie, its 7:30 hurry up" sana unnie said before going downstairs 'i should wear my clothes now' I walked out of the bathroom and wore my clothes and brush my hair.

I walked downstairs and sana unnie ruffled my hair "yah! I just brushed my hair unnie!" I said while putting my hair back and going to the kitchen to eat breakfast with my 4 unnies.

I greeted them and sat on my chair and eat my food on the table "you look handsome today y/n-ah~" momo unnie said and made me glared at sana unnie "sana unnie ruffled my hair so I put it back" i said and mina unnie giggled "you look handsome with that hairstyle" mina unnie said "she can be pretty and handsome at the same time I'm so proud" nayeon unnie said which made me giggled a bit "gomawayo for the compliment unnies" i said then i realized my food was finished so i put it on the sink and drink water before getting inside the car and drive to the school

-at the school-
I parked my car and got out then run inside the school someone greeted me once i entered and looked behind me to see yuna and chaeryeong coming towards me and giving me a hug. "Annyeong y/n unnie" yuna said then the two let go of me and I greeted yuna back "can we join you guys later at lunch?" chaeryeong ask I nodded and they smiled widely.


The bell went off and I bid them goodbye, I walked in my classroom and sat on my seat I look at the other seat 'I wonder who's my seat mate' I thought to myself when the teacher came in and greeted us.

The teacher started discussing when someone went inside the room "you're late miss shin" the teacher said "mianhe sir, it won't happen again" the girl said while bowing "since it's the first day consider this as a warning miss shin you may now take your seat beside miss Y/LN" the teacher said then the girl walked towards me and sat beside me I didn't look at her I just focused on what the teacher was discussing.

(Ryujin's pov)
I was late and peeked at my classroom before entering the teacher immediately stop discussing and saying the same things again 'i swear teachers are such idiots' i said sorry and of course the teacher didn't mind and let me take my seat

I took my seat beside a random girl and to be honest she's pretty very pretty I already knew she's going to have alot of fanboys. "Stop staring at me" she coldly said 'I didn't even know that I was staring at her for so long' i said to myself "mianhe" i said then grabbed my notebook and pencil to start drawing well more like doddle since the class is boring af

'she's pretty interesting..I wonder if my sisters know her ill ask them later at lunch' i thought to myself while drawing random stuff
Chapter 1 done yayyyyy

𝙷𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚒𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞||Ryujin X Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now