Chapter 4

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(Y/n's Pov)
(Tuesday, 12:00pm lunch time)

It was lunch time so I went to the canteen while hearing compliments from the boys which makes me annoyed all the time I manage to walk at the canteen and sat beside ryujin we weren't talking to each other cause I felt awkward and tired so I didn't eat lunch and put my head on the table "y/n-ah are you okay?" nayeon unnie asked "I'm fine nayeon unnie just tired" I replied while showing a weak smile "momo-yah you came home late last night and you're with y/n now look at her she's tired" nayeon unnie said "yah! Its not my fault" momo unnie replied "stop fighting.." i said while groaning putting my head on my arms to rest
(Ryujin's pov)
I looked at them and they look worried for y/n not going to lie I was a bit worried too because she's a bubbly person and it's rare to see her like this "let y/n sleep instead rather than you two fighting" jeongyeon unnie said nayeon and momo unnie said sorry and continue eating their food "whose going to pick her up after were done eating" dahyun and chaeyoung said 'i swear they're like twins' i said to myself "maybe ryujinie can pick her up y/n is light" sana unnie said I looked at them with a 'what?!' face they all laughed at me because of my reaction "c'mon ryujin unnie y/n unnie looks tired just pick her up and put her at the studio" yuna said "l'm only doing cause I have nothing else to do" I said and return at my phone

"We should hang out tomorrow" jeongyeon unnie said "but its wednesday tomorrow" tzuyu said while raising a brow "we don't have classes tomorrow because the teachers will have a super long meeting" jihyo unnie stated "then let's hangout tomorrow!" dahyun and chaeng said in union "we should bring yeji and these two kids" sana unnie requested while pinching yuna's cheek "fine fine we will meet at wait who's house though?" jeongyeon unnie asked "our house is okay" mina unnie said and we all nodded
(Y/n's pov)
I woke up at the studio and looked around to see ryujin on her phone "you're awake" ryujin coldly said "yea I am and I guess you brought me here" I said shyly "Ne, you weren't that heavy and sana unnie was right you're light" ryujin replied with a smirk on her face "yah! Did you do something to me?!" I said slapping her arm "apa! That hurt pabo!"ryujin said while holding my wrist "and I didn't do anything to you" she added I rolled my eyes and stood up

I walked toward my guitar and play it while humming

"Stars shine bright in the night but I can't bare seeing myself like this"

"Being pathetic over a girl who used me and never really cared"

"For once I thought she was the one but I guess people make mistakes sometimes that hurts"

"But I'll be fine..I'll be fine~"

I stopped playing the guitar and looked at ryujin I covered my mouth and looked away 'pabo! I forgot ryujin was there!' I said to myself "damn someone hurt you?" she asked "a-ah ani ani, I just wrote that" i replied "arraso, I'm going now by the way yuna gave me your number" ryujin said while standing up "ah arraso, so that means were friends?" I asked ryujin stopped opening the door when she said something which made me smile

"Ne, were friends now y/n-ah"
Chapter 4 DONEEEEE

𝙷𝚊𝚙𝚙𝚒𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚢𝚘𝚞||Ryujin X Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now